Planned Parenthood Contradicts Itself (Again)

This week Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards testified before members of Congress about her organization’s practices. Her testimony comes in the wake of a series of undercover videos allegedly exposing Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of organs harvested from aborted babies.

Live Action has pointed out that some of Richards’ testimony appears to contradict public statements she and others have made in the past regarding Planned Parenthood. You can watch video footage of the statements below or click here to see it on Facebook.

Mammosham: Planned Parenthood fact-checks Planned Parenthood.Before Congress, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards admitted that the abortion business has never provided mammograms, despite popular opinion and previous claims by Planned Parenthood.

Posted by Live Action on Thursday, October 1, 2015


You may recall a couple of years ago when Planned Parenthood officials contradicted their own scientists regarding the morning-after pill; Planned Parenthood has stated over and over again that emergency contraception cannot function as an abortifacient while their top scientist on the subject pointed out that in certain circumstances it actually can.

Click here to see Live Action’s video on Facebook

Rallies Simply a Distraction from Planned Parenthood Controversy?

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

On Tuesday Planned Parenthood supporters announced a series of rallies and events across the country in support of Planned Parenthood.

Family Council President Jerry Cox released a statement, saying, “This sounds like damage-control, to me. Planned Parenthood’s CEO is set to testify before members of Congress today about her organization’s alleged involvement in selling organs harvested from aborted babies. It sounds like Planned Parenthood wants to draw attention away from her testimony and the controversy surrounding the organization.”

A series of undercover videos released this year shows Planned Parenthood officials talking about compensation clinics receive in exchange for fetal organs and tissue they provide to researchers. “These are Planned Parenthood’s own doctors and officials discussing how researchers pay their clinics for hearts, livers, brains, leg muscles, and other body parts taken from aborted babies,” Cox said. “What Planned Parenthood is doing is barbaric. It may even be illegal. No rally or event can change that.”


Official in Ninth Undercover Video: Abortion is “Where We Get Our Tissue”

In a ninth undercover video released by the Center for Medical Progress, an official with a company that performs research on aborted babies states plainly, “they’re trying to make abortion illegal, and that’s where we get our tissue.”

The video comes as light continues to be shed on stem cell research that uses aborted fetal remains and the process by which Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers “donate” aborted babies to researchers in exchange for money–something CMP and other pro-life groups are decrying plainly “as selling baby parts.”

You can watch the ninth video below. Warning: The content is disturbing.