With Planned Parenthood Out of Fayetteville, More Women Choose Life

Recently, our friends at the Respect Life Office in Northwest Arkansas spoke with Dana Schwiethale, Executive Director for Loving Choices pregnancy resources center.

Dana indicated that since Planned Parenthood’s abortion facility in Fayetteville closed this summer, Loving Choices is much busier than usual.

Pregnancy resource centers like Loving Choices offer women real options besides abortion.

Loving Choices provides women with ultrasounds, adoption planning, parenting resources, STD testing, and other services.

They also have a mobile unit equipped with state-of-the-art technology.

The mobile unit travels around Northwest Arkansas, serving women throughout the community.

Planned Parenthood previously operated an abortion facility in Northwest Arkansas, but has been searching for a new location since its former landlord opted not to renew the abortionist’s lease last summer.

Since Planned Parenthood isn’t performing abortions in Fayetteville, more women are turning to pregnancy resource centers like Loving Choices.

Loving Choices estimates that foot traffic at their center has tripled since Planned Parenthood stopped doing abortions in Fayetteville!

That means more women in Northwest Arkansas are choosing options besides abortion.

That’s really good news!

Planned Parenthood Offers Abortions at New Facility in Little Rock

Planned Parenthood has begun offering chemical abortions at its new facility on Aldersgate Road in Little Rock, according to the group’s website.

The facility formerly housed a foot and ankle clinic before Planned Parenthood purchased the building earlier this year.

It’s sadly ironic that the nation’s largest abortion provider is operating an abortion facility on a road named after the place in England where the Rev. John Wesley had a profound religious awakening before he started the Methodist movement in the 18th century.

Based on legal documents and state reports from 2017, Family Council estimates that Planned Parenthood is responsible for approximately 70% of all chemical abortions in Arkansas.

At this point, it appears Planned Parenthood no longer is advertising its abortion facility on 12th Street in Little Rock, as the group transitions its business to the new facility on Aldersgate Road.

Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood has been searching for a new facility location in Fayetteville ever since the group’s landlord reportedly opted not to renew Planned Parenthood’s lease last summer.

As a result, Planned Parenthood has stopped doing abortions in northwest Arkansas for the time being. That’s really good news.

Despite the fact that Planned Parenthood is operating a new facility in west Little Rock, here’s something important to remember:

Abortion in Arkansas has declined significantly in the past 20 years.

In 2018, Arkansas’ abortion numbers hit a 42-year low, and public opinion polling shows most Arkansans believe abortion ought to be completely illegal or legal only under certain circumstances.

Slowly but surely, we’re winning the fight to protect innocent human life in Arkansas.