White House Marks Anniversary of Roe v. Wade With Pro-Life Proclamation

Forty-five years ago today, on January 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its infamous Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion on demand nationwide.

President Trump has declared today National Sanctity of Human Life Day. This morning the White House issued a proclamation that reads,

Science continues to support and build the case for life. Medical technologies allow us to see images of the unborn children moving their newly formed fingers and toes, yawning, and even smiling. Those images present us with irrefutable evidence that babies are growing within their mothers’ wombs — precious, unique lives, each deserving a future filled with promise and hope. . . .

Today, citizens throughout our great country are working for the cause of life and fighting for the unborn, driven by love and supported by both science and philosophy. These compassionate Americans are volunteers who assist women through difficult pregnancies, facilitate adoptions, and offer hope to those considering or recovering from abortions. . . . Thankfully, the number of abortions, which has been in steady decline since 1980, is now at a historic low. Though the fight to protect life is not yet over, we commit to advocating each day for all who cannot speak for themselves.

Life begins at conception, and innocent human life is sacred from that moment until natural death. There simply are no two ways about that.

You can read the president’s entire proclamation here.

Federal Abortion Laws in U.S. Among the Most Lax on Earth

Last fall, President Trump commented that the United States is one of only seven countries on earth that allows elective abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy.

The Washington Post decided to fact-check this claim. After doing some research, they found the president was correct.

Out of 198 nations in the world, only 59 allow abortion on demand. Of those 59, only 7 — including the United States — permit elective abortions past the 20th week of pregnancy.

The Washington Post identified those 7 countries and their abortion laws, writing,

Here’s a look at the seven countries. We sorted them from the most liberal on gestational limits to the least:

  • North Korea and Vietnam: No specified gestational limit, though regulatory mechanisms vary.
  • China: “Abortion is virtually freely available in China, and there are no defined time limits for access to the procedure,” according to Pew Research Center. China now has a “two-child” policy, and human-rights advocates have criticized China’s population and family planning laws.
  • United States: No federal ban on gestational limit, but 43 states have prohibitions on gestational limits, from 20 to 24 weeks, or the point of “viability,” according to the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive rights research group. There are some exceptions made, usually for the life or health of the mother.
  • Canada: No federal gestational limit, but provinces and territories vary as to whether they will offer abortion services after a certain gestational age. Some offer abortion services up to 12 weeks, others up to 24 weeks. (This is similar to how states operate in the U.S.) Abortions after 20 weeks are not always readily available for Canadians, so women are often referred to a clinic in the United States, according to an abortion rights group in Canada. These procedures may be paid in full or in part by provincial governments.
  • Netherlands: Abortions are allowed up to 24 weeks. After that period, abortions are allowed only if the unborn fetus has an untreatable disease and would have little to no chance of survival after birth, or for the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman.
  • Singapore: Abortions are allowed up to 24 weeks. After that, abortions are only allowed to save the life of, or for the physical or mental health of, the pregnant woman.

In other words, out of all the countries on earth, only three have abortion laws that are more lax than the United States’: North Korea, Vietnam, and China.

That’s likely to come as a shock to many. Unfortunately, that is the legal landscape the U.S. Supreme Court has created with rulings like Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

However, it’s important to note that while pro-life legislation has languished at the federal level, states like Arkansas have passed significant laws in recent years protecting unborn children — and we are winning some major victories in court. Abortion numbers have fallen to record lows, and recent polling shows Arkansans are overwhelmingly pro-life.

Slowly but surely, we are winning the fight to protect the unborn.

State Senator Drafting Pro-Life Bill

Although Arkansas’ legislature is not in session, its lawmakers are still working on pro-life bills.

Today state Senator Trent Garner (R — El Dorado) tweeted that he is drafting a bill to prohibit abortion in cases of Down Syndrome.

The senator said he hopes the final version of the bill will include additional protections for unborn children with other genetic defects besides Down Syndrome.

Arkansas passed a long list of pro-life laws last year, and voters should be proud to have a state legislature that is so dedicated to protecting unborn children. We look forward to supporting Sen. Garner’s bill and other pro-life legislation when the Arkansas Legislature reconvenes.