A Win for Women and Women’s Sports: Guest Column

Earlier this month, the Court of Arbitration for Sport, an international court for sports governance, rejected a challenge from trans-identifying swimmer Lia Thomas to overturn policies that prevent men from competing in women-only “elite” swimming events.  

Thomas, a man claiming to be a woman, is the former University of Pennsylvania swimmer who won the national championship in women’s swimming. He was seeking to overturn the policy in hopes of competing in the 2024 Olympics. However, the policy issued by World Aquatics, the body that governs elite swimming competitions, protects women’s swimming competitions from trans-identifying men who have gone through male puberty. 

Women deserve the safety and opportunity that comes with competing on an even playing field—with other women. And the court’s decision to uphold this policy helps ensure that safety and opportunity for women will continue, even in our strange new world.  

The World Aquatics celebrated the court’s decision. As they said, “we believe [it] is a major step forward in our efforts to protect women’s sport.” Let’s hope the sanity continues. 

Copyright 2024 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from BreakPoint.org with permission.

Court Allows Detransitioner to Sue Doctors: Guest Column

Late last month, a North Carolina court allowed Prisha Mosley to sue the doctors who provided her so-called “gender-affirming” care. According to Mosley, who began “transitioning” at age 16, “doctors and counselors … told me that changing my body to look like a boy’s body would cure my mental health problems.”  

However, despite chemical and surgical interventions, Mosley’s mental health problems persisted: “Their ‘care’ … left me broken, with extreme physical injuries and without my body parts. It did not cure my mental health problems and instead made them worse.” Despite motions to dismiss her case, the court found Mosley’s complaint “sufficient” to proceed. 

Stories like these, claiming that “transitioning” did not lead to greater wholeness, are rapidly growing. The court’s decision is the first of its kind and offers hope that ideologically motivated medical professionals who fast-track kids to transition can be stopped and even brought to justice. Let’s continue to pray that the light shines through the lies of so-called “gender-affirming” care.  

Copyright 2024 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from BreakPoint.org with permission.

Dads Can’t Be Moms: Guest Column

Recently, The Washington Post released an article with this headline: “Our daughter wanted a mommy, so she picked one of her dads.” In it, the author praised his same-sex partner for taking a “motherly role” as assigned by their three-year-old adopted daughter. He argued that the term should be broadened, as if anyone can be a motherly figure.  

This is another iteration of a fundamentally bad idea of the sexual revolution, that men and women are interchangeable. Still, the story betrays itself. Why did this three-year-old girl sense something was wrong in the first place? She somehow knew she needed a mother.  

In fact, throughout the article, the author expressed concern that his daughter was “bending the reality” of having two dads. And that’s the very point: “two dads” is not a reality, it’s a social construction. Moms and dads? Those are baked into the human condition.  

Dads can’t mom. And moms can’t dad. 

Copyright 2024 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from BreakPoint.org with permission.