Poll Finds Americans Strongly Support Restrictions on Abortion

New public opinion polling confirms what others have found: Americans support restrictions on abortion.

According to a nationwide poll published this week, 78% of Americans support substantial restrictions on abortion despite the fact most people polled (51%) identified as “pro-choice.”

Other findings include:

  • 62% of Americans oppose taxpayer funding of abortion.
  • 70% of Americans agree doctors performing abortions should have admitting privileges at a local hospital.
  • 78% of Americans support holding abortion clinics to the same standards as other outpatient surgery centers.

These findings coincide with other recent polls that have found, among other things, most Americans think abortion ought to be illegal in some or all cases and that young adults generally oppose abortion.

You can read more about this poll here.

Researchers: More Children Exposed to Marijuana in CO After Legalization

Kush_closeIn a study published in the medical journal JAMA Pediatrics today, experts demonstrated the number of children hospitalized due to accidental marijuana exposure increased significantly after Colorado legalized so-called “recreational” marijuana; the number of marijuana-related calls to regional poison control centers increased as well.

After examining data from 2009 – 2015, researchers determined the legalization of marijuana in Colorado played a part in the increase.

These findings concur with other data released in recent months about marijuana in Colorado–including the increase in the number of newborns born with marijuana in their systems as well as accounts of children hospitalized due to accidental marijuana exposure.

You can read more about the study here.

Focus on the Family Offers Parents’ Guide to Pokemon Go

If you are a parent or grandparent looking to understand the Pokemon Go craze, Focus on the Family has a guide that may help.

The team at Focus has reviewed the game along with its potential pros and cons.

Focus on the Family author Adam Holz writes about the game’s fun elements as well as possible pitfalls parents need to understand, saying,

“I was flabbergasted to discover how many people — perhaps 50 or so — were playing at a local park. I interacted with more than a dozen folks over the course of a two-hour walk. So there’s potential for community and relationship with other players who are out and about playing the game. On the other hand, the idea of young fans interacting with random strangers out on the streets should give parents considerable pause, too.”

You can find Holz’s entire article and guide for parents here.