Surrogacy Never Goes Right

John Stonestreet, Radio Host and Director of the Colson Center

Last month LiveAction shared a story from the New Zealand Herald about a couple whose surrogacy experience went terribly wrong. After a surrogate mom volunteered to carry a couple’s IVF-conceived child, she began suffering prenatal depression and opted for an abortion.

The biological parents were devastated and helpless. Their story is one of many ways surrogacy goes wrong.

But does it ever go right?

Even if the surrogate mother had carried the baby to term, the child would be deprived of its biological mom. In cases where donor gametes are involved, the children of surrogacy lose their right to their biological mom or dad, or both. Increasingly, when the intended parents are a same-sex couple, the child is denied a mommy or daddy altogether.

Surrogacy may attempt to fix brokenness, but it always creates more. Even when everything goes according to plan, there’s a cost paid by the only one who didn’t consent: the child.

Copyright 2021 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.

Kenyans Erased for Lucrative Baby Business

John Stonestreet, Radio Host and Director of the Colson Center

Recently, a reporter who went undercover to investigate the growing international commercial surrogacy industry in Kenya found that Kenya has no real laws on the books governing surrogacy. Some would-be parents, including wealthy international couples, fudge the rules to get what they want. In some cases, couples have convinced the surrogate to illegally list their names on the child’s birth certificate – which legally erases the mother from the child’s life, forever.

With one-third of Kenyans living in poverty, and the cost of surrogacy less than a third of what it cost in the United States, the situation is ripe for exploitation, corruption, and violence.

And there is no official count of the number of babies born by surrogacy in Kenya. Every one is born into a tragic situation. Even if it were just one, it’s awful. Neither babies nor poor women are bodies for sale. And every child has a right to their own mother and father.

Copyright 2021 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.

Challenging the “New Normal” on Commercial Surrogacy

Last week we published a blog post about New York’s recent decision to legalize commercial surrogacy.

On Friday, John Stonestreet at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview released a column about CNN host Anderson Cooper’s decision to hire a commercial surrogate.

Stonestreet writes,

This story demonstrates that commercial surrogacy, including cases in which the child is intentionally deprived of its mother, is now fully normal. . . .

Behind Anderson Cooper’s money and these headlines is this baby’s mom. No matter what we tell ourselves about how willing she was or how better off she is now, she is harmed and so is her son – who somehow knew from the moment he was born to look for her. Unfortunately, he won’t find her. Shame on us.

Stonestreet points out several of the ethical problems with commercial surrogacy, such as:

  • Commercial surrogacy assumes “children” are a right that God never promised
  • It denies children the opportunity to be raised by their biological mom and a dad
  • It treats children as products
  • It poses a significant risk of financial exploitation for women

As we keep saying, being pro-life means believing that human life is sacred from conception until natural death.

It means treating human life with respect at every stage of development.

It also means recognizing that human beings are not products that can be bought or sold. That’s why Family Council opposes commercial surrogacy — and will continue to oppose it.

Read John Stonestreet’s entire commentary here.