Poll Finds Americans Strongly Support Restrictions on Abortion

New public opinion polling confirms what others have found: Americans support restrictions on abortion.

According to a nationwide poll published this week, 78% of Americans support substantial restrictions on abortion despite the fact most people polled (51%) identified as “pro-choice.”

Other findings include:

  • 62% of Americans oppose taxpayer funding of abortion.
  • 70% of Americans agree doctors performing abortions should have admitting privileges at a local hospital.
  • 78% of Americans support holding abortion clinics to the same standards as other outpatient surgery centers.

These findings coincide with other recent polls that have found, among other things, most Americans think abortion ought to be illegal in some or all cases and that young adults generally oppose abortion.

You can read more about this poll here.

Poll: Young Adults Generally Oppose Abortion

According to a recent poll, Millennials generally oppose abortion.

While only 36% of Millennials surveyed self-identified as “pro-life,” 53% believed abortion should be illegal in all or most circumstances. Live Action News notes that is an increase of nine points since 2012.

As we have said in the past, this seems to be part of a growing trend. For example, Gallup recently found a majority of Americans believe abortion ought to be illegal in some or all cases.

All of this underscores the major gains pro-lifers have made in recent years in the court of public opinion.

Read more here.

A Pro-Life Setback

On Monday we told you about the U.S. Supreme Court’s bad ruling in the Whole Woman’s Health case. The ruling undermines states’ ability to pass legitimate regulations concerning abortion.

John Stonestreet at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview released an excellent commentary on the ruling yesterday, saying,

“First, let’s remember this is only one front in a continuing struggle that is making progress. The current abortion rate is lower than it’s been since before Roe was decided in 1973. And even without laws like the Texas one in place, pregnancy care centers outnumber abortion clinics by as much as three-to-one.

“So while the decision is indeed a setback, it does not change the brilliant day-out-and-day-in work of so much of the pro-life movement. Limits of what can be done legislatively will continue to be decided on a case-by-case basis, and we’ll continue to pray them on. But remember: the goal is not merely to make abortion illegal. We want abortion to be unthinkable.

“Which leaves us with the hard work of continuing to create a culture of life. For those of you hard at work, I can’t thank you enough for your faithfulness.”

You can read Stronestreet’s entire commentary here, or listen to it below.

[audio:http://www.breakpoint.org/images/content/breakpoint/audio/2016/062816_BP.mp3|titles=Pro-Life Setback by John Stonestreet]