Group Raises $7K+ for Arkansas Abortion Amendment in January

Reports filed with the Arkansas Ethics Commission last week show the organization promoting the Arkansas Abortion Amendment raised $7,640 in January. The group currently has $21,250 at its disposal for the abortion amendment campaign.

Arkansans for Limited Government is backing the abortion measure. If passed, the amendment would write abortion into the state constitution, allowing thousands of elective abortions in Arkansas every year.

The measure prevents the Arkansas Legislature from restricting abortion during the first five months of pregnancy, and it contains sweeping health exceptions for abortion throughout all nine months.

It nullifies all state laws that conflict with the amendment — putting basic restrictions like parental consent and informed consent requirements in jeopardy and threatening to erase medical licensing standards for abortionists.

Arkansans for Limited Government is working to collect nearly 91,000 petition signatures to place the abortion amendment on the ballot, but several pro-life groups are working to disqualify and defeat the amendment.

Family Council Action Committee recently formed a ballot question committee to stop the measure.

Choose Life Arkansas — which is made up of pro-life leaders from across the state — has also formed a campaign to defeat the amendment.

NWA Coalition for Life recently filed a Statement of Organization announcing it will work against the abortion amendment. The group includes pro-life leaders from the Northwest Arkansas area.

And Arkansas Right to Life is leading a Decline to Sign campaign encouraging voters not to sign petitions for the amendment.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Pro-Life Activists Targeted by the DOJ: Guest Column

Recently, the U.S. Department of Justice put pro-life protestors on trial for their role in a 2021 sit-in at an abortion facility in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. Each protestor faces over a decade in prison, as well as hefty fines. America has a long history of civil disobedience and peaceful protests, but increasingly the state has grown quite selective in what is tolerated and what is condemned, and now, even convicted. Federal animus toward pro-life activism is increasing, as are examples of hostility from law enforcement. It’s especially odd when compared to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents who “declined to comment” about the four men who were released after beating New York police officers. 

Beyond the complexities of the immigration debate and the ethics of civil disobedience, it reflects our cultural mood in which the moral status of individuals is predetermined, based on their group rather than their behavior. The more the state reflects this mood, the more elusive justice will be. 

Copyright 2024 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.