CNN Publishes Fake History of Abortion in America

Recently the U.S. House of Representatives voted to prohibit abortions after the twentieth week of pregnancy except in cases of rape or incest or to save the life of the mother. This federal bill is very similar to a law Arkansas passed in 2013.

As The Washington Post notes, the U.S. is one of only a handful of countries in the world in which abortion after the twentieth week of pregnancy is legal.

Shortly after the House passed the bill, CNN published a video that is nothing short of fiction.

The video claims that at one point abortion simply was part of life in America; that even the Catholic church did not believe life began at conception; that the anti-abortion movement began with doctors wanting to regulate midwives and homeopathic medicine; and that early pro-life activists were primarily concerned with declining birth rates among white women.

Frankly, I had no idea it was possible to cram so much wrong information into 96 seconds, but CNN did. The video is still online, and you can watch it for yourself if you want.

Here’s the truth: Christian leaders always have opposed abortion.

During the first or second century, church leaders circulated a document called The Didache summarizing many basic Christian teachings. Among other things, it said, “you shall not murder a child by abortion nor kill that [child] which is born.”

Our friends at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview write,

“Christians have opposed abortion of all kinds going back to the earliest writings outside of the New Testament . . . . But apparently it’s news to CNN.”

And contrary to the video’s claims, abortion was not simply part of American life. In 1871, an investigative journalist writing for The New York Times said,

Thousands of human beings are thus murdered before they have seen the light of this world, and thousands upon thousands more of adults are irremediably ruined in constitution, health and happiness. So secretly are these crimes committed and so craftily do the perpetrators inveigh their victims, that it is next to impossible to obtain evidence and witnesses.

Whatever some may say, there simply is nothing new about people — especially Christians — equating abortion with murder.

Boy Scouts to Admit Girls Into Program

Yesterday the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) announced it will admit girls into its scouting program beginning in 2018.

The decision has met with harsh criticism — particularly from the Girl Scouts.

Over the past few years, the Boy Scouts of America seems to have lost its way. This latest move is just one more in a long line of foolish mistakes the BSA has made since its 2013 decision to allow openly gay boys into its scouting program.

America needs productive men and women who know how to lead. That’s what has made organizations like the Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts so valuable for more than a century. We need organizations who understand and cater to the differences between boys and girls. Unfortunately, the Boy Scouts’ decision simply sows more confusion about gender into our culture.

Once upon a time the Boy Scouts of America helped boys grow up to become men. Sadly, today it seems the BSA has sacrificed its identity for the sake of political correctness.

Photo Credit: By Rennett Stowe from USA (Boy Scout on Memorial Day) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Federal Government Grants Reprieve on HHS Mandate

Over the years we have written repeatedly about Obamacare’s contraception mandate — also called the “HHS Mandate.” The mandate requires employers to pay for contraception and abortion-inducing medication.

Many people find this mandate unconscionable and have sued the federal government in court. While the original mandate included religious exemptions for churches, the exemption was extremely narrow.

On Friday, the federal Department of Justice unveiled its “interim final rule” keeping the mandate in place for the vast majority of employers’ employees, but dramatically expanding the Obama administration’s narrow categories for religious exemption.

This makes it much less likely Americans will be forced to violate their consciences by paying for contraception and drugs that cause abortions.

Congress needs to take steps to make this interim final rule a permanent fixture in federal law. In the meantime, the Trump Administration has given people of faith a reprieve from the Obama Administration’s HHS mandate.