New Federal Memo Could Roll Back Some Radical LGBT Policies

Last week the New York Times triggered outrage and hysteria on the part of LGBT activists by publishing a column claiming a Trump Administration memo “would essentially eradicate federal recognition” of transgender people.

To put it plainly, the New York Times got this one wrong.

The administration simply is looking to undo some of the extreme policies that the Obama Administration implemented during President Obama’s second term in office.

According to the Times, the new federal Department of Health and Human services memo instructs government agencies to define “sex” as “a person’s status as male or female based on immutable biological traits identifiable by or before birth.” That’s a major shift from the Obama Administration’s decision to define “sex” as a person’s self-identified gender identity.

You may recall in May of 2016 the Obama Administration issued “guidelines” instructing schools that receive federal tax dollars — in other words, virtually every public school and most colleges and universities — to let male students who claim to be female use the women’s locker rooms, showers, restrooms, and similar facilities on campus, and vice versa.

The administration also told colleges that men had to be housed in women’s dormitories if they claim to be female, and vice versa.

The Obama Administration did all of this unilaterally, without going through Congress or following the proper channels for changing federal rules and regulations.

Needless to say a lot of people pushed back against the Obama Administration’s radical “guidelines.” Arkansas and several other states actually sued the administration.

Since 2017 the Trump Administration gradually has rolled back many of these policies. This latest memo is simply another step in that process.

As John Stonestreet writes at Breakpoint,

When Congress passed Title IX in 1972, it never anticipated that the word “sex” would be applied to include “gender preference.” But after numerous failed attempts to align federal anti-discrimination laws like Title IX with the new sexual orthodoxy, the Obama administration decided to amend the law via a memo.

Of course, that’s not how the constitutional system is supposed to work. Redefining “sex” for the purpose of federal law is the job of Congress, not the Executive Branch.

All that’s being proposed here . . . is a reversal of extra-constitutional lawlessness.

Besides being lawless, the Obama Administration’s irresponsible policies threatened people’s safety and privacy.  Giving men an excuse to loiter in or around women’s restrooms, showers, and changing areas is a bad idea.

Earlier this month we learned the federal government has opened an investigation into whether or not a kindergartner in Georgia was sexually assaulted because of the Obama Administration’s transgender policies. Last year men in New Jersey and Idaho were arrested for allegedly filming women in fitting rooms at Target stores.

In light of all of this, changing the Obama Administration’s radical policies on gender identity sounds like a good idea to me.

UCA in Conway Plans Drag Show, Other Events for “LGBTQIA History Month”

Recently our office was forwarded an email announcement from the University of Central Arkansas promoting a number of events in celebration of “LGBTQIA History Month.”

Among other things, a drag show is scheduled in the university’s student amphitheater tomorrow afternoon, and UCA students are being offered transportation to Little Rock Pride Fest later this month.

It’s deeply troubling that a state university that receives taxpayer funding would promote radical LGBT ideology to college students by hosting and participating in events like these.

Below is a copy of the announcement we received.

October is LGBTQIA History Month and the following events have been planned:

Tuesday, October 9th – Drag Show. Student Center Amphitheater. – 1:30 pm -2:30 pm.
Post Drag Show Cool Down – Student Center 223. 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Wednesday, October 10th-Coming Out Day: Show Your Pride – Student Center Lobby- 10:00am-2:00pm

Thursday, October 18th – UCA Pride Walk. Crafton Alumni Pavilion to steps of Old Main- 1:40-2:30 pm.

Saturday, October 20th – Bus ride to Little Rock Pride Fest. E-mail by October 18th to reserve your seat with First and Last name plus UCA ID Number. Details about the departure location will be sent with your confirmation e-mail – 11:00 am – 5:00 pm.

Tuesday, October 23rd. – The Coming Out Process. Student Health Center 307- 1:40 -2:30 pm. Hear from a panel of diverse students about their coming out experience.

Photo By Jljgates [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

“Bathroom Debate” Will Appear On State Ballot in Massachusetts

A conservative group in Massachusetts has collected enough certified signatures potentially to overturn a state law letting men in women’s restrooms and vice versa. The issue will appear on the ballot in Massachusetts this November.

This marks the first time voters at a statewide election will be asked to weigh in on whether or not men should be able to enter and use women’s showers, locker rooms, restrooms, and similar facilities.

Watch the video below to learn more.