Bill Filed to Expand Law Concerning Pro-Life Cities, Counties in Arkansas

On Thursday lawmakers filed a bill to help expand Pro-Life political subdivisions in Arkansas.

S.B. 446 by Sen. Josh Bryant (R – Rogers) and Rep. Kendon Underwood (R – Cave Springs) builds on Arkansas’ law that lets cities and counties pass Pro-Life resolutions.

Act 392 of 2021 by Rep. Kendon Underwood (R – Cave Springs) and Sen. Gary Stubblefield (R – Branch) affirms that cities and counties can designate themselves as Pro-Life. To date, nearly half of all Arkansans live in a Pro-Life City or Pro-Life County.

S.B. 446 expands this 2021 law so that any political subdivision of the state can declare itself to be Pro-Life — not just a city or a county.

Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has reversed Roe v. Wade and abortion is generally prohibited in Arkansas, citizens and their elected officials need to establish exactly where they stand when it comes to protecting innocent human life.

S.B. 446 is a good bill that will help communities do exactly that.

You Can Read S.B. 446 Here.

Good Bill Would Establish Adoption Education Curriculum in Public Schools

A good measure filed at the Arkansas Capitol would help public school students learn about adoption and foster care.

S.B. 384 by Sen. David Wallace (R – Leachville) requires public schools to provide at least one hour of education regarding adoption awareness to students in grades 9-12.

This will help educate high school students about adoption and foster care in Arkansas.

The education provided under S.B. 384 must include:

  • The benefits of adoption to society
  • The types of adoption available
  • The difference between adoption through the foster care system and private adoption
  • The reasons adoption is preferable to abortion
  • Public and private resources and agencies available to assist in the adoption process
  • Statistical data on abortion, adoption, and childbirth
  • Public and private resources available for pregnant mothers and parents enrolled in a public school
  • A description of child and human development.

Promoting adoption and foster care is good for children and families, and it is one way that Arkansans can reduce the demand for abortion.

S.B. 384 is a good bill that will help do that.

Arkansas Passes Bill Authorizing Monument for Unborn Children Lost to Abortion

On Tuesday the Arkansas House of Representatives passed S.B. 307 by Sen. Kim Hammer (R – Benton) and Rep. Mary Bentley (R – Perryville) authorizing a privately funded pro-life monument on the Arkansas Capitol Grounds.

Under S.B. 307, the monument would commemorate the 236,243 unborn children whose lives were lost in abortion from 1973 – 2022.

The bill establishes the monument “a constant reminder of our duty to protect the life of every innocent human person, no matter how young or old, or how helpless and vulnerable that person may be.”

S.B. 307 is a good measure that will help Arkansans honor and remember children lost to abortion. The bill now goes to Gov. Sanders to become law.

The Following Representatives Voted For S.B. 307

  • Achor
  • Andrews
  • Beaty Jr.
  • Beck
  • Bentley
  • S. Berry
  • Breaux
  • Brooks
  • M. Brown
  • Burkes
  • Joey Carr
  • John Carr
  • Cavenaugh
  • C. Cooper
  • Crawford
  • Duffield
  • Duke
  • Evans
  • C. Fite
  • L. Fite
  • Fortner
  • Furman
  • Gazaway
  • Haak
  • D. Hodges
  • G. Hodges
  • Holcomb
  • Hollowell
  • Jean
  • L. Johnson
  • Ladyman
  • Long
  • Lundstrum
  • Lynch
  • Maddox
  • J. Mayberry
  • McAlindon
  • McCollum
  • M. McElroy
  • B. McKenzie
  • McNair
  • S. Meeks
  • Milligan
  • Painter
  • Pearce
  • Pilkington
  • Ray
  • Richmond
  • Rose
  • Rye
  • Schulz
  • R. Scott Richardson
  • Steimel
  • Tosh
  • Underwood
  • Walker
  • Wing
  • Womack
  • Wooldridge
  • Wooten

The Following Representatives Voted Against S.B. 307

  • F. Allen
  • Clowney
  • A. Collins
  • Ennett
  • D. Ferguson
  • V. Flowers
  • D. Garner
  • Hudson
  • Magie
  • McCullough
  • J. Moore
  • Nicks
  • Perry
  • J. Richardson
  • Scott
  • T. Shephard
  • Springer
  • Unger
  • D. Whitaker

The Following Representatives Voted “Present” on S.B. 307

  • Barker
  • K. Brown
  • Cozart
  • Dalby
  • K. Ferguson
  • Gonzales
  • Hawk
  • McGrew
  • Puryear
  • Vaught
  • Warren

The Following Representatives Did Not Vote

  • M. Berry
  • Eaves
  • Eubanks
  • Gramlich*
  • McClure
  • Miller
  • K. Moore
  • Wardlaw
  • Watson
  • Mr. Speaker

*Rep. Gramlich was absent on Tuesday, and granted leave by Speaker Shepherd.