“A Cultural Train Wreck”: Discussing the Transgender Movement

Family Council President Jerry Cox was on Conduit News Radio with Paul Harrell this week to talk about boys competing against girls in high school athletics and about the “cultural train wreck” of the transgender movement.

You can listen to the discussion below.

You can tune in to Conduit News Radio online weekdays from 6:00 AM – 8:00 AM, and you can hear different members of the Family Council team discuss conservative issues on the program every Tuesday morning at 7:30.

“Drag Queen Story Hours” Risk Exposing Children to Sex Offenders

Our friends at Focus on the Family report this week how libraries across the nation risk exposing children to convicted sex offenders and prostitutes with their “Drag Queen Story Hours.”

The Daily Citizen writes,

The growth of “drag queen story hours” at libraries across the country is a frightening phenomenon. The events feature men – dressed and made-up as exaggerated, hyper-sexualized caricatures of women – reading books to small children and their parents.

They also could be dangerous, since some of the drag queens used for library events are convicted criminals. Many also moonlight in strip clubs and other adult related venues. It seems like the nation’s public libraries, in order to maintain the illusion of inclusivity, are not doing enough to protect the minds and hearts of young children.

The article goes on to highlight recent examples of convicted pedophiles and prostitutes meeting and interacting with children at these library events.

Last year the Central Arkansas Library System canceled a Drag Queen Story Time following public outcry from citizens and lawmakers.

A library at the University of Arkansas in Fort Smith, however, decided to go through with a similar event.

As we have said before, these Drag Queen Story Hours are not about getting children to read or play together. They’re about promoting homosexual and transgender ideology to little kids.

Photo Credit: YouTube Screenshot.