Calling Your Child a Boy or Girl is Child Abuse?

A blogger at Slate has written an article saying that calling your newborn baby a boy or girl could do irreparable harm to your child.

The article reads,

“With infant gender assignment, in a single moment your baby’s life is instantly and brutally reduced from such infinite potentials down to one concrete set of expectations and stereotypes, and any behavioral deviation from that will be severely punished—both intentionally through bigotry, and unintentionally through ignorance.”

Eric Metaxas at the Chuck Colson Center for Christian worldview analyzed the bizarre comments, saying,

“Yes, she’s saying—she’s actually, seriously saying—that a doctor who tells you the sex of your baby could be doing the baby irreparable harm, by not taking into consideration that in later years, that child might not want to belong to that sex. . . .

“Why am I taking this kookiness seriously, even enough to mention it? Because I think we need to recognize what got this culture to the point of such absurdity—and where we might go from here.

“For years now we’ve been hearing ever louder arguments that we need to free children and everyone else from the tyranny of gender, with all the practical implications that argument has—laws that say that boys can use girls’ bathrooms if they identify as girls, for instance.”

You can listen to Metaxas’ full analysis of the article and its implications below.

[audio:|titles=Eric Metaxas – Gender Assignment as Russian Roulette?]

Gay Activists Employ Conflicting Arguments

This week on BreakPoint, John Stonestreet with the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview points out how gay activists are using conflicting arguments when it comes to “LGBT” issues.

Stonestreet writes,

“We’re all familiar with the argument by now: homosexual attraction is an innate characteristic—maybe genetic. Therefore, denying same-sex attracted individuals the ‘right’ to get married is the same as racism.

“But an alternate narrative has appeared on the horizon, and by ‘horizon,’ I mean the cover of a recent TIME Magazine issue, where it’s used to promote the ‘T’ in the acronym ‘LGBT.’ The ‘T,’ of course, stands for ‘transgender,’—those who say their biological sex and their perceived gender don’t match. The mantra here goes, ‘I was born this way, but I want to change. In fact, I have a right to change.’

“So we’re told that the biology of the ‘L,’ the ‘G,’ and the ‘B’ can’t change. But when it comes to ‘T,’ the biology doesn’t matter.

“Confused? Well, you’re not alone.”

Stonestreet goes on to cite how the “I was born this way” argument for homosexuality has given way to arguments based entirely on personal feelings and preferences.

This is significant. You cannot in one breath say a person’s biology controls their feelings (as many homosexuals do) and in the next breath say a person’s feelings trump biology. The two arguments contradict each other.

Complicating this debate further is the fact that science still has not concluded that sexual orientation is genetic, and leading psychology experts have gone on record saying they have seen people successfully change their sexual orientation.

Before we try to build our lives or our public policy on our feelings, let’s consider the words of the prophet Jeremiah:

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”

Jeremiah 17:9

Listen to Stonestreet’s full commentary below.

[audio:|titles=John Stonestreet – Feelings, Nothing More Than Feelings]

Are You a CIS Male or CIS Female?

The title may be confusing, but you are one or the other–or maybe one of the 56 other “gender identities.”

If you have a Facebook account, and are uncertain of your gender, you can now choose from one of 58 gender identities–another check mark for gay activists, as far as their movement is concerned.

Of course, the issue is much larger than recognizing 58 different types of “gender.” Tying gender to anything other than biology complicates society and carries a number of unintended consequences, as we’ve written about in the past.

Click here to read more.