Family Council Congratulates Josh Duggar

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

On Wednesday Family Council President Jerry Cox issued a statement congratulating Josh Duggar on becoming the new director of Family Research Council Action.

“I’ve known the Duggar family for many years,” Cox said. “Jim Bob and I worked together when he was a state legislator. It’s good to see his son Josh continuing that tradition of Christian service by accepting the job as director of Family Research Council Action. Josh is bright and full of ideas, and I wish him the best as he and his family transition from Arkansas to D.C. We look forward to working with him.”


Arkansas Justice Institute Helps Schools Navigate Religious Freedom

Letter to School Districts

The Arkansas Justice Institute, a division of Family Council, has launched a summer campaign to help Arkansas public school districts deal with groups that oppose religious freedom.

Everyone knows that schools have been a religious liberty battleground since 1962 when the Supreme Court declared school-sponsored prayer off-limits. Over 50 years later the lines are still being drawn.
