Press Release: Casino Amendment’s Future Uncertain


On Tuesday, Family Council Action Committee President Jerry Cox issued the following statement regarding the ballot proposal by Nancy Todd’s Poker Palace:

“We’re pleased to hear that out of the 80,373 signatures submitted by Todd to get this proposal on the ballot, only 23,616 signatures were declared valid by the Arkansas Secretary of State’s office,” Cox said. “Todd now has 30 days to meet the minimum of 78,133 valid signatures.”

“From the beginning, we have opposed Nancy Todd’s effort to write her corporation into the Arkansas Constitution. If it is placed on the ballot and becomes part of our state’s constitution, this initiative would give her special government privilege to own and operate a casino monopoly in Arkansas. What’s more, it would invite even more gambling to our state—a prospect that isn’t in the best interest of Arkansas’ families, communities, or economy.”

Cox continued by saying that his group will continue to watch this effort. “If this casino proposal is, in fact, placed on the ballot, we stand ready to fight it. We will tell Arkansas voters the truth about this misguided casino monopoly. It is a recipe for corruption; it will be a drain on our economy; and it will harm families.”

Family Council Action Committee is a conservative 501(c)(4) organization based in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Party Platforms: Part 4 (The Libertarian Party of Arkansas)

Family Council is a strong believer in voter education. As such, we try to provide the people of Arkansas with as much information as possible about issues, elections, candidates, and political parties.

In Part 1 of our series on political parties and their platforms, we brought you the Democratic Party of Arkansas’ platform. In Part 2, we looked at the Republican Party of Arkansas’ platform. In Part 3, we listed the Green Party of Arkansas’ Ten Key Values. Today we bring you the Libertarian Party of Arkansas.
