Atheists Threaten to Sue Harrison School Board Over Opening Prayer

The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation has threatened to sue the Harrison School Board over the board’s practice of opening its meetings with prayer.

According to The Harrison Daily, the board received a letter from the group after a school patron contacted FFRF.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation wrote that, “It is coercive, embarrassing, and intimidating for non-religious citizens to be required to make a public showing of their nonbelief (by not rising or praying) or else to display deference toward a religious sentiment in which they do not believe, but which their board members clearly do.”

Frankly, I find it a little ironic the Freedom From Religion Foundation would consider something as innocuous as opening a meeting with prayer to be “coercive” and “intimidating,” when the group clearly is trying to intimidate the school board by sending it this letter.

The Harrison School Board is a governing body holding public meetings, and the U.S. Supreme Court as well as lower federal courts have ruled repeatedly that it is constitutional for these sorts of meetings to begin with prayer.

AR House Fails to Ban Marijuana Edibles

This afternoon the Arkansas House of Representatives failed to pass H.B. 1392 by Rep. Robin Lundstrum (R-Elm Springs).

This good bill prohibits companies from making or selling dangerous marijuana edibles in Arkansas.

Medical marijuana users, caregivers, and hospitals would still be able to mix marijuana with food or drink at home to aid ingestion, but companies wouldn’t be able to sell dangerous products infused with marijuana.

In other states, marijuana edibles routinely send people–especially children–to the emergency room. These are extremely dangerous products. H.B. 1392 helps keep them out of Arkansas.

The bill needed 67 votes to pass. It received only 52. Below is a breakdown of the vote.

Voted For the Bill (52 Representatives)

Ballinger Baltz Barker Beck Bentley Boyd
Bragg Branscum Brown Burch Capp Coleman
Collins Dalby Davis Deffenbaugh Della Rosa Dotson
C. Douglas Eubanks Farrer D. Ferguson C. Fite Gates
Gonzales K. Hendren Holcomb Jean Lowery Lundstrum
Maddox Magie A. Mayberry McCollum McNair D. Meeks
S. Meeks Miller Payton Penzo Pilkington Pitsch
Richmond Sabin Shepherd B. Smith Speaks Sturch
Sullivan Tosh Wardlaw J. Williams

Voted Against the Bill (40 Representatives)

F. Allen E. Armstrong Blake Cavenaugh Cozart D. Douglas
K. Ferguson Fielding L. Fite V. Flowers Fortner Gazaway
M. Gray M.J. Gray Hammer Hillman Hollowell House
Johnson Leding Lemons Love Lynch McElroy
G. McGill Murdock Nicks Petty Richey Rushing
Rye Sorvillo Tucker Vaught Walker Warren
Watson D. Whitaker Wing Womack

Did Not Vote (8 Representatives)

Drown Eaves Henderson M. Hodges G. Hodges Jett
Ladyman Mr. Speaker