Guest Column: The Decline of WPATH

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is one of the leading medical associations pushing for the chemical and surgical “gender transition” of minors. In just the last year, WPATH has witnessed a dramatic drop in membership.  

In January 2023, WPATH had over 4,000 global members, including over 3,000 in the United States. As of this month, membership is down to just under 1,600, a 60% drop in membership. U.S. members make up 80% of that number. 

At the same time, more and more European countries are slowing down the push for “gender transition” interventions, mostly because there is no compelling research that such interventions lead to long-term health. In fact, those who pursue chemical and surgical transition are more likely to commit suicide, not less.  

Still, the U.S. government continues to push, and organizations like WPATH continue to proclaim, so-called “gender-affirming care” as gospel truth instead of what it is: the ideologically driven destruction of minors. Christians must not sit this one out. Too much is at stake. 

Copyright 2024 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.

Guest Column: Girls Forced to Share Rooms With Boys in Colorado

Last month, a story out of Colorado broke about an 11-year-old girl assigned to share a bed with a male student on a school trip. More parents in that school district are now sharing similar stories. For example, a female high school counselor was put in charge of, and stayed overnight in, a cabin of sixth-grade boys

The media outlets claiming that this is all about conservative parents overreacting about LGBTQ “rights” in schools are lying. Make no mistake: The kids are not all right. They’re in danger.  

As long as those who are entrusted with the protection of children continue to put them in harm’s way in order to advance dangerous ideologies, we must not stand by. If we do, there will only be more victims.  

To learn more about organizations fighting to protect the rights of children and how you can join them, visit And for resources to help the next generation embrace a biblical view of who they are, visit

Copyright 2024 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.

Guest Column: The “Science” of Abortion

Earlier this month, an image was shared on social media featuring what looked like a bit of used tissue paper with the caption, “Just a reminder that this is what an 8 week pregnancy/abortion looks like.” The inference is that pro-lifers are fools or liars to call the preborn “a child.”  

It didn’t take long for that tweet to get called out. The image had been doctored. The “tissue” was not an embryo but merely an empty gestational sac. A real 8-week embryo has hands and feet, heart and head, and is very clearly a tiny human being. 

While the claim “it’s just a clump of cells!” was questionable 50 years ago when someone first uttered it, decades of technological development make it morbidly laughable. The imagery available now completely undercuts any idea that what we see in the womb is less than human. What has been revealed is how divorced from reality the pro-abortion camp has always been.

Copyright 2024 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.