Public Opinion Trends Towards Nuclear Family


According to Pew Research, a growing number of Americans are realizing the importance of the nuclear family.   

Just three years ago, 40% of Americans agreed with the statement “single women raising children on their own is bad for society.” That number has now jumped to 47%. The same is true of cohabitation, which nearly a quarter of U.S. adults say is “generally bad for society.” That’s up 5% from three years ago.  

It’s an encouraging swing for public opinion, especially with both trends still on the rise. Kids do best with both a mom and a dad in the picture. They do better still when mom and dad stay married to each other.  

Of course, there are a plenty of heroic single parents raising kids on their own, who will do everything they can to help their kids succeed. Data isn’t destiny for all individuals, but it is destiny for a society. The loss of marriage is unsustainable. As the world leader in single-parent households, Americans will either have to reckon with that basic truth, or the next generations will continue to pay the price.

Copyright 2024 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.

Why is Adidas cheerfully celebrating the destruction of women’s sports?

The following post is from

In its latest US-based television commercial, Adidas features Brazilian trans volleyball player and activist Tiffany Abreu as he competes on a woman’s team and dominates the game with his vastly stronger physical male body.

As part of Adidas’ “I’mPossible” campaign, which discredits fair play and helps eliminate a true women’s sports division, the ad claims, “It’s impossible to take hold of the world’s spotlight overnight” and “compete as a trans woman.” Adidas is doing its part to make it happen…and they are trying to convince you to accept it.

Ironically, Adidas has a history of proclaiming its support for women’s rights and women’s athletics. Now it is pushing a totally opposite agenda that advocates men on women’s teams. Adidas wants it both ways, but it’s logically impossible.

Under Adidas’ “woke” agenda, it will champion men like college swimmer Will Thomas, a biological male who is singlehandedly rewriting long-standing NCAA women’s swimming records set by actual women.

On Adidas’ YouTube channel, the ad has had more than 27 million views, but only 913 “likes.” On the contrary, almost every one of the 2,097 comments are critical of Adidas’ decision to support men competing in women’s sports.

For example, YouTube viewer Gordon B. commented, “Why is Adidas cheerfully celebrating the destruction of women’s sport?” Another viewer posted, “Misogyny is not a good look. Males do not belong in women’s sport. Women fought really, really hard to have the opportunity to compete. Never going to buy adidas ever again. I’m disgusted with your company.”

Adidas has chosen to ignore logic, science and common sense when it comes to the physical differences between male and female athletes.


Sign our petition to Adidas, urging the company to drop its promotions and corporate support for males competing in women’s sports.

Redemption Even in War

During World War II, Jewish teenager Fania Rosenfield lost nearly her entire family to the Nazis. She somehow managed to escape the slaughter happening in her town and find refuge for two years with a Ukrainian family before settling in Israel to begin a new life. 

Fania repeatedly told the story of the brave Ukrainian family who saved her to her children and grandchildren. And, a few weeks ago when the Russian invasion of Ukraine was imminent, Fania’s granddaughter made a choice to reach out to the family who had saved her grandmother. Now, two young cousins from that Ukrainian family have fled to Israel and are safe with Fania’s family.

In the utter darkness of wartime, such as we’re now witnessing in Ukraine, we wonder why a good God would allow such evil. Stories like this, of families transcending national, political, ethnic, and generational lines to sacrificially love others, remind us to thank God for allowing such beauty in the world. 

Copyright 2024 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.