Yesterday we sent out an email urging the Arkansas Lottery Commission to consider the Public’s comments regarding lottery ticket vending machines at their meeting next week; we also invited you to attend the meeting. Today, members of our staff delivered 64 letters to the Arkansas Lottery Commission—all requesting a public hearing about the vending machines.
I am pleased to inform you that the Arkansas Lottery Commission has agreed to hold such a hearing next week, at 1:00 PM on Thursday afternoon—an hour before their Commission Meeting.
As always, however, the Lottery Commission has shown little interest in notifying the People of Arkansas about this opportunity to speak with them. That’s why I am inviting you to come to the public hearing next week, and express your views on lottery ticket vending machines.
Any citizen in Arkansas can speak at this hearing. All you have to do is show up and put your name on the list. You can bet that lottery proponents plan to have people ready to speak in favor of the vending machines. That’s why we would really like at least 100 people to testify against the vending machines, and we hope you will be one of them.
The hearing is scheduled for 1:00 PM Thursday, August 19. The location has not yet been announced.
The Lottery Commission meeting will take place after the hearing, so we encourage you to stick around for it as well.
If you plan to speak at the hearing, please let us know; you can call our office at (501) 375-7000.