Last September, the remains of 2,246 aborted babies were found in the garage of Indiana abortionist Dr. Ulrich “George” Klopfer, following Klopfer’s death.

In October authorities found another 165 aborted babies similarly preserved in marked bags in the trunk of an old Mercedes Benz that belonged to Klopfer.

Since then, authorities have been searching Klopfer’s properties and conducting an investigation into the case.

Now Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill’s office has released a preliminary report providing new information for the first time in weeks.

While earlier reports described the fetal remains as medically preserved in plastic bags, the attorney general’s report notes that the remains “were in various states of decay” and that the bags themselves had begun degrading.

The report says,

The remains were mostly found inside molding boxes and old Styrofoam coolers . . . It appeared as though each remain had been placed in a small clear plastic specimen bag for purposes of being medically preserved . . . However, many of the bags had degraded over time and/or suffered damage, resulting in leakage from the individual bags into the outer bag, box, or cooler.

The A.G.’s report says the aborted fetal remains are too degraded to be identified, writing,

Based on the poor condition of the fetal remains and unreliable nature of the accompanying records, it is not possible to make an independent verification of the identities of the individual fetal remains.

The attorney general’s report also indicates that hundreds of thousands of health records from Dr. Klopfer’s abortion practice were found abandoned in his former clinic location, storage units, and garage — including unsecured records dating back to the 1980s.

Indiana’s Attorney General says his office will ensure that the aborted fetal remains are buried in a respectful manner and will inventory and dispose of the medical records according to state law.

As we have said before, grisly stories like this one are why Family Council has fought for tighter restrictions on abortion facilities and the treatment of aborted babies.

It’s part of the reason we have consistently supported legislation to make it easier for the state to inspect — and shut down — abortion facilities, and why we have pushed for laws requiring aborted babies to be respectfully buried or cremated.

You can read the Indiana Attorney General’s entire preliminary report here.