This week our friends at Family Research Council in Washington, D.C., released an interactive map showing each state’s pro-life laws.
The map focuses on state laws related to publicly funded abortion, fetal dignity, late term abortions, and protections for babies who survive a botched abortion.
Family Research Council’s map underscores that Arkansas’ pro-life laws are among the very best in the country.
In 2009 the state legislature passed Act 196 prohibiting partial-birth abortion in Arkansas. The law is based on a federal partial-birth abortion ban the U.S. Supreme Court ruled constitutional in 2007.
In 2015 the Arkansas Legislature passed Act 996 prohibiting the state from awarding public funds to entities that perform abortions or abortion referrals; it also applies to affiliates of entities that perform abortions or abortion referrals. This helps prevent state tax dollars from subsidizing abortion.
Later that year Governor Hutchinson ordered the state to stop providing Medicaid reimbursements to Planned Parenthood clinics after a series of undercover videos showed Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of organs and tissue harvested from aborted babies. Following a lengthy legal battle, Arkansas was able to withhold Medicaid funds from the abortion giant.
In 2017 the Arkansas Legislature passed Act 603 requiring the bodies of aborted babies to be respectfully buried or cremated. The law helps prevent abortionists from harvesting organs and tissue from aborted babies for scientific research.
Act 603 or 2017 has been tied up in court for the past three years, but recently was unblocked by the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Last year the Arkansas Legislature passed nearly a dozen good, pro-life laws that help save the lives of unborn children from abortion. Laws like these have helped make Arkansas the second most pro-life state in the country, according to Americans United for Life.
And abortion in Arkansas has plummeted to a 43-year low, according to reports from the state Health Department.
All of this goes to show that slowly but surely pro-lifers are winning the fight against abortion.
See Family Research Council‘s interactive pro-life map here.