A recent study highlighted by King’s College London suggests that, wait for it, sex is a greater predictor of athletic performance than gender identity. The study found that in the “nonbinary” category of races, men outperformed women.
The researchers were careful to note that not much research has been done in this area … unless I’d add, you consider the history of sport.
That we need this study reveals much more about our cultural moment than it does about runners. To say that men and women are different is to say something that was universally obvious until just yesterday.
The created differences between men and women aren’t a bug of our humanity but a feature, beautifully leading to differences in many areas of life. Women’s sports should be protected because, if they aren’t, men will continue to steal the place of women, not only on the winner’s podium but in other areas of life too.
Chromosomes, like ideas, have consequences.
Copyright 2024 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from BreakPoint.org with permission.