In I Timothy 2:2, Paul urged Timothy (and every Christian) to pray “For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”
As John Jay pointed out in 1816, “Almost all nations have peace or war at the will and pleasure of rulers whom they do not elect, and who are not always wise or virtuous. Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers.”
In Paul’s day, citizens were considered beneath the government. In America today, citizens can be elected to their government. More than any nation in history, we have the ability to impact how our leaders govern, and yet lately more and more people are checking out altogether, dismissing government as a lost cause.
No cause is lost. Between the recent government shutdown, the constant threat of war with nations in the Middle East, a stagnant economy, corruption, and the laundry list of other problems we have faced these past few years, now is not the time for Christians to walk away. Now is the time for Christians to rally.
That’s why we are issuing a call to prayer. God has laid on our hearts five things for Christians to pray for our nation and its leaders. Please do not dismiss this call.
Dear Lord, we humbly pray:
- That godly truth and wisdom would prevail in Washington and in state legislatures across the country;
- That God would give godly truth and wisdom to our president, vice president, and judges;
- That our United States Congress and Senate would govern wisely and in a manner that honors both God and the citizens our government was established to serve and protect;
- That the crises that have lately plagued our nation both domestically and abroad would be resolved quickly; and
- That every one of us would know our need for repentance and return to God.
Please pause whatever you are doing and pray these five items (it won’t take long).
If you are a pastor, please pray these five points with your congregation this Sunday; I assure you the government shutdown and the problems facing America are on your church members’ minds, and this prayer would be entirely appropriate for them.
If you are a Sunday school teacher or Bible study leader, please pray this prayer with your group.
When the American Revolution looked dire, Congress issued a call to prayer—in fact, it issued more than one. During the American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln issued a call to prayer and thanksgiving. Virtually every trial Americans have encountered in the past two centuries was met with prayer.
Today there is no call to prayer coming from Congress or the White House, but that does not excuse us from our duty to pray for those in authority.
Will you join me in prayer?