Family Council is trying to raise $1,500 by noon on Tuesday to pay for two full-page newspaper ads urging Congressman Marion Berry to vote against the federal health care bill later this week. We’ve been offered a really low rate of just $1,500 for two full-page ads in the Jonesboro Sun and the Paragould Daily Press that will run on Thursday. If possible, please donate $100 to help with this effort. If you can’t give that much, we will deeply appreciate any gift you can give. No gift is too small. Please go to to donate before noon on Tuesday.
First District Congressman Marion Berry of Arkansas is still undecided about how to vote on government-run health care. Since a health care vote in the U.S. House of Representatives is planned for Friday, this may be your final chance to make a difference in this debate.
Here is your opportunity. Whatever money we raise must be in our office by noon on Tuesday, otherwise it will be too late for us to use on the ads. If we fail to raise the entire $1,500, we will scale back the ads to fit whatever amount of money we raise. If we raise more than is necessary, we will try to purchase ads in additional papers in Congressman Berry’s district. Either way, your donation will go entirely to oppose government-run health care.
We’ve all been frustrated about the health care debate. This is why Family Council is pleased to provide you and others across the state with a way to do something about what’s going on in Washington, D.C. Please respond by 12 noon on Tuesday, March 16. We have to send the newspapers a check by then in order for the full page ads to run on Thursday. Please respond immediately:
Jerry Cox