Bald Knob City Council Bans Bingo

In Bald Knob, Arkansas, the city council has approved a ban on bingo for cash prizes. This comes as a result complaints from many residents about the games. From the report: “Alderman Johnny Hodges said the games tend to draw more players from nearby Searcy than Bald Knob. Hodges said many seniors in Bald Knob no longer use the senior citizens’ center because of the games.” Read more from 40/29 News by clicking here.

Life News: Obama Admin Forced to Pay $120K After Targeting Pro-Lifer

Some of you might have been following the story—which has gone almost completely unreported in the traditional media—about a pro-life woman named Susan Pine who the Obama administration targeted with a lawsuit. You can read details about the situation here, but long story short, Pine won and is owed $120,000 by the administration.

Talk Business Poll Shows Differing Results for Ballot Issues

Talk Business recently conducted a scientific poll in conjunction with Hendrix College on three major ballot issues facing Arkansans. In short, it appears that Arkansans would likely defeat efforts to raise the sales tax by a half-cent and raise the severance tax on natural gas to 7%. Another issue polled dealt with changing Arkansas campaign and ethics laws to ban legislators from receiving any gifts from lobbyists, among other things. This issue appears to have very strong support and looks like it would easily pass at the ballot box. To read more about the poll results, click here. We asked Roby Brock, executive producer of Talk Business, about doing a poll on medical marijuana. He signaled that this was a good idea and he’d try to do one next time around.

Study Shows Abstinence Education Effective

“Research published this week revealed more evidence that a Sexual Risk Avoidance (SRA) abstinence program is effective in delaying sexual onset,” reports The study’s results are interesting, and you can read the summary here.

Lottery’s Big Winners Often Become Biggest Losers has compiled an interesting list of stories about how winning it big on the lottery doesn’t necessarily mean a path to the good life. To read the stories, click here.