Model Leaves Industry to Honor God, Husband

“Growing in my relationship with the Lord, and my faith, I’m a strong believing Christian, I just became so convicted about wanting to honor my husband with my body and wanting to be a role model for other women out there who look up to me,” said former Victoria’s Secret model Kylie Bisutti. reports the full story here.

Figure That 98% of Catholic Women Use Birth Control Debunked

It is true that 98% of Catholic women use birth control? According to a lengthy refutation on,  abortion advocates and the White House are using a misleading figure.

Washington State Bill Would Force Abortion Coverage

Reports “A bill in the Washington state legislature that would require that any insurance policy sold to state residents for maternity coverage also require policyholders to pay for coverage of abortions will get a vote soon.”

HHS Mandate “Accommodation” Changes Nothing

President Obama explained it like this, “The result will be that religious organizations won’t have to pay for these services and no religious institution will have to provide these services directly.” To which the American Center for Law and Justice’s Matthew Clark answers: “Directly? That’s the compromise. Religious organizations will no longer be required to violate their faith directly . . . just indirectly.” Read more from the ACLJ on this false compromise by clicking here.

Fiscal Session Begins Today

The Arkansas Legislature’s fiscal session began this morning, and lawmakers are hoping to finish the session by early March. Rob Moritz with Arkansas News Bureau has the breakdown of what to expect over the next few weeks.