Arkansas Pro-Lifers Throwing Baby Shower for Baby Saved From Abortion

Last week our friends at 40 Days for Life announced some really good, pro-life news for Arkansas.

First, a baby was saved from abortion last Tuesday morning. Pro-lifers who pray year-round outside the surgical abortion facility in Little Rock routinely talk to women about options besides abortion. Last week, one unborn child was saved. That’s great news.

Second, 40 Days for Life in Little Rock reports that last spring one woman was able to save her unborn baby using the chemical abortion pill reversal process.

The chemical abortion regimen uses drugs to poison and expel the unborn child. The drugs can be counteracted if the woman receives high amounts of the hormone progesterone soon after taking the first chemical abortion pill — before the drug has time to kill the unborn child. Studies indicate the progesterone can act as an antidote to the abortion pill.

Arkansas Pregnancy Resource Center in Little Rock began offering abortion pill reversal to women last year.

40 Days for Life in Little Rock writes,

[The woman] contacted the folks at the Arkansas Pregnancy Resource Center and went through the Abortion Pill Reversal process.  We are throwing her a baby shower on Saturday, August 7.  It will be in the parking lot of the APRC from 2:00pm – 3:30pm. She is having a little boy and  has registered for gifts on Amazon.  If you would like to choose a gift from that, here is the link.  Amazon: Baby Registry  Of course, diapers and wipes are always a good idea.

Pro-lifers are taking a stand for human life in Arkansas — and women and children are being saved. Slowly but surely we are winning the fight to end abortion in Arkansas.

Abortion’s Barbarity Continues

John Stonestreet, Radio Host and Director of the Colson Center

Recently, the world learned that researchers at the University of Pittsburgh were grafting the scalps of aborted infants onto the flesh of rodents. And now, prolife group Live Action has uncovered that researchers at a California university has been trading in various body parts of aborted children, specifically genitalia, bladders, and kidneys.

Perhaps most unsettling is the indifference of the people involved to what in any other context would be considered barbaric. Emails uncovered included pleasantries about the weekend and hopes for a happy holiday, exchanged between the parties amidst logs of body parts bought and sold.

This is what Hannah Arendt called “the banality of evil.” The great crimes of history are often committed, not by monsters, but by ordinary folks in day to day life. And so building a culture of life will involve not only passing laws and attending marches, but exposing the scale of assault on human dignity that passes in the name of science.

Copyright 2021 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.