Poll Shows More Arkansans Believe Abortion Should Be Illegal

Little Rock, AR — On Thursday the University of Arkansas released its annual Arkansas Poll. The poll indicated likely voters in Arkansas overwhelmingly believe abortion in Arkansas should be completely illegal or legal only in certain cases. The highest percentage of Arkansans ever believe that abortion should be completely illegal.

Family Council President Jerry Cox released a statement saying, “This poll shows Arkansans, who are likely voters, are deeply pro-life and soundly reject the idea of abortion on demand. According to the poll, twenty-six percent said abortion ought to be illegal under all circumstances, and fifty-three percent said it ought to be legal only under certain circumstances. In other words, seventy-nine percent of Arkansans believe abortion ought to be completely illegal or legal only in a few cases. Arkansans overwhelmingly reject abortion, and Arkansas’ lawmakers have passed a lot of legislation protecting the lives of unborn children in recent years. I believe that is one reason abortion in Arkansas has fallen to the lowest levels since the 1970s, and abortion among teenagers is near an all-time low.”

Cox called the poll’s findings good news, saying “Arkansas is ranked the #1 most Pro-Life state in the nation and this poll affirms that ranking. Most Arkansans want to see unborn children protected. Protecting the lives of unborn children has always been something that Family Council is committed to. We look forward to continuing protecting the lives of the unborn in the future.”


Arkansas Tops List of States With Pro-Life Victories in 2021: AUL Report

On Monday one of the nation’s leading pro-life organizations, Americans United for Life, released its 2021 report on state legislative sessions.

The report highlighted pro-life victories and setbacks at state legislatures across the country.

The report indicated that Arkansas passed 15 measures this year protecting unborn children — more than any other state.

The measures listed in AUL’s report were:

HB 1116 “Simon’s Law” outlining parental consent with regards to end-of-life decisions for minors

HB 1195 “Every Mom Matters Act” which creates a phone program for support services

HB 1402 amending the “abortion-inducing drugs safety act” to require a physician examine the woman to confirm pregnancy, provide RhoGAM if necessary, and schedule a follow up with the woman to ensure the pregnancy is terminated

HB 1544 affirming the right of cities to declare themselves “pro-life cities”

HB 1572 “Informed Consent for Chemical Abortion Act” requiring informed consent 72 hours before the abortion, including risks and complications, information on post-abortion care and Rhincompatibility, and literature on human trafficking. The bill also updates reporting requirements to include information on chemical abortion

HB 1589 prohibiting the use of taxpayer resource transactions for abortions

HB 1592 prohibiting public schools from contracting with any entity that provides abortions

SB 6 “Unborn Child Protection Act” abolishing abortion in the state

SB 85 “Right to Know and See Act” amending the right to view ultrasound

SB 152 amending the authority of PA’s, but prohibiting the delegated authority to perform an abortion

SB 289 “Medical Ethics and Diversity Act” expanding healthcare rights of conscience

SB 388 requiring that all clinics, health centers, and facilities that do ANY abortions be licensed by the state, and prohibiting abortions in a hospital except to save the life of the mother in a medical emergency

SB 463 collecting data on abortions done for rape/incest and sending all abortion data collected under state law to the CDC and making it publicly available

SB 474 creating the criminal offense of fertility fraud

SB 527 requiring abortion facilities to post information about sex trafficking; mandating that abortion facilities enter into a written agreement with a licensed acute care hospital and ambulance service to provide complication management/emergency transfer

The Arkansas Legislature passed a record number of pro-life laws this year — and many other excellent measures as well.

Arkansans should be proud of their elected officials. The General Assembly passed and Governor Hutchinson signed some of the best laws in the country this year. Arkansas has become a true leader in America when it comes to passing good, conservative legislation. These new laws are proof of that.

Newborn Saved Via Safe Haven Baby Box in Maumelle

A newborn baby was saved in Arkansas last week thanks to a Safe Haven Baby Box recently installed at a fire station in Maumelle.

In a press release from Arkansas Right to Life, Monica Kelsey, the founder of Safe Haven Baby Boxes, confirmed, “A healthy newborn baby was safely, legally and anonymously surrendered in a Safe Haven Baby Box at Fire Department Station 1 in Maumelle, Arkansas last week.”

The Safe Haven Baby Box in Maumelle was installed on October 10, 2021 — less than a month ago.

Arkansas’ Safe Haven Act of 2001 lets a woman surrender her newborn baby to law enforcement, medical personnel, and first responders. The law gives women with unplanned pregnancies an option besides abortion, and it protects newborns from being abandoned.

Similar laws are on the books in all 50 states.

Safe Haven Baby Boxes like the one in Maumelle can be installed at fire stations. They allow a woman to surrender her infant legally, safely, and anonymously using a specialized, hospital-grade bassinet that keeps the baby secure while a silent alarm notifies first responders inside the fire station that the baby is there.

This is an amazing, pro-life story.

Arkansas Right to Life currently is leading a billboard campaign to raise awareness about the state’s Safe Haven law. We look forward to that law saving the lives of other children in the future.