Come to the Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children on September 11

Arkansas Right to Life will host a Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children on Saturday, September 11, at 11:30 AM in Little Rock.

The event is free and open to the public. It will take place at the Life Center at 1515 South University Avenue in Little Rock.

Attendees are invited to bring their own lawn chairs to help facilitate social distancing.

Program participants include Father Patrick Friend and Pastor Emil Woerner of Friends in Christ Lutheran Church with a personal sharing by Janice Trice of North Little Rock.

For more information call 501-663-4237 or email

Photo by Boris Smokrovic on Unsplash

Planned Parenthood Facility in Rogers Will Open September 14

The Arkansas Times reports Planned Parenthood will open its facility in Rogers, Arkansas, on September 14.

Recently Family Council learned that Planned Parenthood has worked to acquire a facility in Rogers that could be used to perform abortions. The facility was acquired by an entity called 12 Redacre LLC, but the company’s mailing address matched a mailing address for Planned Parenthood Great Plains in Overland Park, Kansas.

Planned Parenthood’s website indicates the facility eventually will perform drug-induced abortions. However, the Arkansas Times article indicates that activity at the facility may initially be limited to things like transgender services and family planning.

We know from experience that Planned Parenthood’s sex education and family planning strategies simply do not work.

The Obama Administration gave Planned Parenthood millions of dollars to conduct teen pregnancy prevention programs in the Pacific Northwest.

Evaluations of the programs revealed students who went through these sex education programs actually were more likely to become pregnant or cause a pregnancy afterward.

In other words, Planned Parenthood’s sex education programs did exactly the opposite of what the federal government had wanted.

In the 1980s and 1990s, public officials in Arkansas promoted Planned Parenthood-style sex education. The programs failed to have a meaningful impact on teen pregnancy and abortion in Arkansas.

Even if family planning or comprehensive sex education were all Planned Parenthood had in mind for its facility in Rogers, there would be cause for concern.

However, Planned Parenthood clearly intends for this facility to be a major abortion center.

Planned Parenthood Website Says Facility in Rogers Will Be Abortion Center

The “Rogers Health Center” where Planned Parenthood’s website says it will perform chemical abortions.

The website for Planned Parenthood Great Plains appears to confirm that Planned Parenthood will soon offer abortions at a facility at 1222 West Poplar Street in Rogers, Arkansas.

At this time, the website indicates that abortions at the facility will be drug-induced using the RU-486 chemical abortion regimen.

Recently Family Council learned that Planned Parenthood has worked to acquire a facility in Rogers that could be used to perform abortions. The facility was acquired by an entity called 12 Redacre LLC, but the company’s mailing address matched a mailing address for Planned Parenthood Great Plains in Overland Park, Kansas.

Since then, Planned Parenthood has confirmed to multiple news outlets that intends to reopen in Northwest Arkansas, but it has not confirmed when or where that location might be.

A screenshot of Planned Parenthood’s website advertising chemical abortions in Rogers, Arkansas.

According to its website, the Planned Parenthood facility in Rogers will offer drug-induced abortions up to nine weeks of pregnancy, abortion counseling, abortion referrals, the morning-after pill, LGBTQ services, and other procedures.

While we are still waiting for an official announcement from Planned Parenthood, all of this seems to confirm what pro-lifers in Arkansas have suspected for several days: Planned Parenthood is opening an abortion facility in Rogers.

Pro-lifers in Northwest Arkansas are already on the move, opposing Planned Parenthood’s pro-abortion agenda through prayer and ministry outside the facility.

As we have written before, Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider, and it has a long history of working in Arkansas.

The organization currently operates a chemical abortion facility in Little Rock.

The group’s political action committee has been active in recent legislative races.

Prior to 2015, Planned Parenthood received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the State of Arkansas via Medicaid.

And Planned Parenthood currently is working with the ACLU to block Arkansas from enforcing pro-life legislation that passed earlier this year.