Planned Parenthood Ramps Up “Telehealth” Amid COVID-19

This week Planned Parenthood Great Plains — the Planned Parenthood affiliate that operates abortion clinics in Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma — announced it is ramping up its “telehealth” tools for patients in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The organization issued a press release, saying,

Planned Parenthood Great Plains (PPGP) is proud to announce the launch of a new telehealth program in Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Arkansas, which allows patients to access high-quality, affordable health care services by phone and/or through a private and secure video conferencing platform that connects them with trusted providers. 

It’s worth noting this isn’t exactly new. Planned Parenthood has been promoting “telehealth” like this for many years, but the coronavirus outbreak is a good opportunity for them to highlight technology like this.

In some states, abortionists are even able to prescribe abortion-inducing drugs via telephone or video conference.

It’s important to point out, however, that Arkansas law requires the abortionist to be physically present when administering abortion drugs.

This effectively prevents abortionists at Planned Parenthood and elsewhere from prescribing RU-486 over the phone or via video conference.

However, Planned Parenthood still appears to be relying heavily on technology to spread its pro-abortion message in Arkansas and elsewhere.

For example, last year Planned Parenthood launched its new “Roo” chatbot aimed at teens and young adults.

Teens can ask Roo questions about things like sex and contraceptive, but they can also use Roo to find out about abortion.

Planned Parenthood also has unveiled search tools and apps to help people find abortion facilities.

All of this underscores what we have said for years: Pro-lifers need to continue working to make abortion not only illegal, but unthinkable as well.

Ten Things to Know About Planned Parenthood in Arkansas

We routinely write about Planned Parenthood’s activity in Arkansas and across the nation.

From its activities on campus at UCA to its political endorsements, the abortion giant has been very active in Arkansas this year.

Here are ten things to know about Planned Parenthood in Arkansas.

#1. Planned Parenthood is the Nation’s Leading Abortion Provider

In 2018, the group aborted more than 345,000 unborn children, according to the organization’s annual report.

An estimated one in three abortions occurs in a Planned Parenthood facility.

#2. Planned Parenthood Recently Opened a New Abortion Facility in Little Rock

Last year Planned Parenthood moved its Central Arkansas abortion center from its facility off University Avenue to Aldersgate Road in west Little Rock.

Planned Parenthood began performing abortions at the new facility last fall.

#3. Planned Parenthood Closed Its Fayetteville Facility Last Year, and Has Not Reopened in Northwest Arkansas Since

Planned Parenthood has been searching for a new facility location in Fayetteville ever since the group’s landlord reportedly opted not to renew Planned Parenthood’s lease last summer.

As a result, Planned Parenthood has stopped doing abortions in northwest Arkansas for the time being. 

That’s really good news.

#4. Planned Parenthood Apparently Intends to Conduct Sex-Education Programs In Central Arkansas

Last November Planned Parenthood posted a job opening for a Sexual Health Education Intern in Little Rock.

According to the job listing, the intern’s responsibilities included assisting “with the development and implementation of sexual health education programs for students” in Little Rock and the surrounding area and helping out with sex-education programs in schools and at other organizations.

Presumably this means Planned Parenthood wants to teach sex-education in public schools in or around Little Rock, if they are not already doing so.

#5. Planned Parenthood Used to Receive Tens of Thousands of Dollars Every Year From the State

Prior to 2015, the abortion giant used to received thousands of dollars from the state every year via Medicaid.

In 2014 alone, Planned Parenthood’s affiliates in Arkansas received over $230,000 from Medicaid reimbursements.

In 2015 Governor Hutchinson ordered the state to quit providing Medicaid reimbursements to Planned Parenthood clinics after a series of undercover videos showed Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of organs and tissue harvested from aborted babies.

Following a lengthy lawsuit and multiple court rulings, the state ultimately won its case and stopped paying Medicaid reimbursements to Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood also has applied for taxpayer funds in the past through state grants and contracts. In 2015 the Arkansas Legislature passed a measure effectively prohibiting abortionists from receiving public funds in this manner.

#6. Seven Out of Ten Chemical Abortions in Arkansas Happen at Planned Parenthood

Based on legal documents and state reports from 2017, Family Council estimates that Planned Parenthood is responsible for approximately 70% of all chemical abortions in Arkansas.

Chemical abortion has risen in Arkansas in recent years, despite the fact that the overall number of abortions performed in the state has fallen to near-record lows.

#7. Planned Parenthood is Actively Fundraising in Arkansas

Planned Parenthood’s political action committee raised several thousand dollars last year, and the group has posted online that it has a major fundraiser scheduled in Fayetteville in the coming weeks.

#8. Planned Parenthood Has Endorsed Three Candidates in Arkansas So Far

Planned Parenthood’s political organization in Arkansas has endorsed three candidates ahead of the March 3 primaries.

The group presumably will endorse others between now and November.

#9. Planned Parenthood Has Tried to Influence Past Political Campaigns in Arkansas

In 2018 Planned Parenthood’s political action committee in Arkansas received $10,000 from Planned Parenthood’s main office in New York.

Planned Parenthood’s PAC gave some of that money to liberal candidates running for the Arkansas Legislature.

#10. Planned Parenthood is Opposing State Regulations That Require Abortionists to be Board Certified or Board Eligible OB/GYNs

Last June Planned Parenthood filed a lawsuit to have three new state laws overturned in Arkansas:

  • Act 493 of 2019, prohibiting abortion after the eighteenth week of pregnancy, except in cases of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother.
  • Act 619 of 2019, prohibiting abortion of an unborn baby solely because the child has Down Syndrome.
  • Act 700 of 2019, requiring abortion doctors to be board certified or board eligible OB/GYNs.

As a result, courts in Little Rock have blocked the state from enforcing these laws until the lawsuit runs its course.

These laws passed with overwhelming support from state lawmakers, and they impose reasonable restrictions on abortionists. However, Planned Parenthood is fighting them in court.

Photo Credit: Planned Parenthood Sticker by dogra on Flickr.