Arkansas Awards $724,000 to Abortion Providers in 3 Years

On Friday Governor Asa Hutchinson announced the state will terminate its Medicaid contracts with Planned Parenthood’s affiliates in Arkansas. This will help further ensure the State of Arkansas does not award public dollars to abortion providers.

Many people are wondering exactly how much money the state has awarded to groups like Planned Parenthood.

Using Information compiled from Arkansas’ transparency website, we have determined the state has awarded nearly $724,000 to abortion providers in the past 3 years.

Check out the numbers below. (more…)

Former Technician: Abortion Clinic Failed to Obtain Consent for “Tissue Procurement”

Two weeks ago the Center for Medical Progress released a video featuring Holly O’Donnell, a former tissue procurement technician who worked in Planned Parenthood clinics in California. The video is part of a series revealing how Planned Parenthood receives money for “donating” aborted fetal remains to researchers.

This week the Center for Medical Progress has released a new video in which O’Donnell describes how Planned Parenthood obtains aborted fetal tissue for researchers. In some cases, she says, the clinic at which she was assigned failed to obtain proper consent from the women.

O’Donnell says, (more…)

Former Planned Parenthood Worker Regrets Role in Clinic

attwn_quittersA former employee of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains has released a statement in the wake of the revelations Planned Parenthood affiliates are being compensated for providing aborted fetal remains to medical researchers.

In a column on the website for the group And Then There Were None he writes,

“My name is Jim and I once proudly worked for Planned Parenthood. As the Director of Security for Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, I took the job thinking it was the most perfect opportunity a security professional could find.

“One person I swore to protect was the Vice President and Chief of Medical Services at Planned Parenthood, Savita Ginde. In fact, I was hired mostly because she approved. She questioned me at length during the interview process, and I heard later that she was the main reason I got the job.

“During that interview process, I asked her specifically ‘Why do the protestors claim you cut up baby parts and sell them for research?’ Her answer: ‘Because they’re crazy’. I even spent many a morning telling the protestors how they were lying about the body parts being sold. We didn’t do that. I was confident we didn’t, because that’s what I was told. (more…)