“Gosnell” Performs Well at Box Office Despite Media Blackout

The movie Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer broke into the Top 10 list on its opening weekend despite its limited release and being virtually ignored by film critics and many major media outlets.

Life News Reports:

Despite a media blackout and virtually no coverage outside conservative media circles, the new movie “Gosnell” made the list of top 10 movies across the United States over the weekend. Coming in at the #10 spot, Gosnell came in ahead of other movies with much wider releases — as the film is appearing in just 673 theaters nationwide. . . .

But those who are watching the movie are giving in tremendously high ratings. It has a 67% rating at Rotten Tomatoes and 99% of those viewing it said they liked it.

The movie follows the 2013 arrest, trial, and conviction of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, an abortionist who murdered babies born alive following botched abortions at his Philadelphia clinic.

Dr. Gosnell’s facility has been described as nothing short of a house of horrors. At The Weekly Standard, Mark Hemingway writes,

Aside from being convicted of killing babies born alive—he may have killed thousands of babies this way—Gosnell was convicted of the involuntary manslaughter of a patient. There are good reasons to believe that many more of his patients may have suffered serious complications or even died from his negligence. (Among other things, Gosnell’s penchant for reusing medical instruments without proper sterilization passed sexually transmitted diseases to his patients.) The titular description of him as “America’s Biggest Serial Killer” doesn’t seem like hyperbole.

The movie is rated PG-13 for mature content. However, the film itself is not graphic.

Ultimately, the media’s decision to ignore the movie Gosnell mirrors its handling of the Gosnell murder investigation and trial. In 2013, major news outlets looked the other way as the Gosnell case unfolded, and in the end many practically had to be shamed into covering it at all. Five years later, it seems nothing has changed; many would rather ignore the Gosnell story altogether.

Nevertheless, Gosnell is outperforming many other movies at the box office, and I believe that says something about the American people.

Anonymous UAMS Students Bake Cupcakes for “International Safe Abortion Day”

This morning we received a photo taken by a person at the University for Medical Sciences in Little Rock showing a tray of cupcakes next to a handmade sign reading,

Happy International Safe Abortion Day!

take a cupcake, read, enjoy!

-Future Health Professionals for Reproductive Rights

Attached to each cupcake were flyers with “KEEP ABORTION LEGAL,” “NORMALIZE ABORTION,” and “ABORTION IS HEALTHCARE” printed on them along with pro-abortion talking points.

The cupcakes apparently were prepared by anonymous medical students, and were made available for others at UAMS.

International Safe Abortion Day is an annual event created by abortion advocates. It falls on September 28 of each year, and there are a number of pro-abortion groups and websites that observe it.

A tray of cupcakes may not seem like a big deal to some people, but here are some points to keep in mind:

First, abortion is never safe. It certainly isn’t safe for the unborn baby who is killed, but it also isn’t safe for the woman on whom the abortion is performed, either. Abortion carries a number of risks and consequences, which is why Arkansas’ lawmakers have worked hard to pass one of the strongest informed-consent laws for abortion in America. Informed-consent laws ensure women receive all the facts about abortion and about the alternatives that exist to abortion.

Second, there’s nothing to celebrate when it comes to abortion. In the past even those who supported abortion argued it ought to be legal, but also rare. It’s only recently that we’ve seen this kind of support for normalizing and celebrating abortion in America. Stunts like this trivialize abortion in a way that would have been unheard of two or three decades ago.

I realize UAMS isn’t sanctioning International Safe Abortion Day, but it’s troubling to see something like this from medical students. I would expect students training to become healthcare professional to realize better than anyone that abortion is a very serious issue that shouldn’t be treated so flippantly.