Kroger Settles Religious Discrimination Case With Former Employees in Conway, Promises to Adopt New Policy

Earlier this fall Kroger agreed to pay $180,000 to settle a religious discrimination lawsuit with two former employees in Conway.

As part of the settlement, Kroger agreed to create a religious accommodation policy and provide better religious discrimination training to store managers.

In September of 2020 the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a religious discrimination lawsuit against a Kroger store in Conway after two employees allegedly were fired for declining to wear rainbow-colored aprons at work.

According to the lawsuit, the employees believed the rainbow emblem was meant to endorse LGBTQ values and lifestyles, and felt that wearing it would violate their religious beliefs.

It may have taken two years, but it’s good to see a victory for religious freedom in this situation.

You can read the federal EEOC statement about the lawsuit here.

Photo Credit: Virginia Retail from Virginia, USA, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Trial Continues Over Arkansas’ SAFE Act

The federal lawsuit over Arkansas’ Save Adolescents From Experimentation (SAFE) Act is continuing this week.

The SAFE Act is an excellent law that protects children from sex-reassignment procedures, puberty blockers, and cross-sex hormones.

The Arkansas Legislature passed the SAFE Act in 2021, but last year U.S. District Judge James Moody issued a preliminary injunction temporarily blocking the state from enforcing the SAFE Act while a lawsuit over its constitutionality plays out in court.

The Arkansas Attorney General’s office appealed that decision to the Eighth Circuit. In August a three-judge panel from the Eighth Circuit ruled that the law should remain blocked while the lawsuit progresses in Judge Moody’s court.

Researchers do not know the long term effects that puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones have on kids.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has never approved puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for the purpose of gender transition.

Doctors are giving these hormones to kids off-label, in a manner the FDA never intended.

In July the U.S. Food and Drug Administration added a warning label to puberty blockers after biological girls developed symptoms of tumor-like masses in the brain.

The U.K.’s National Health Services recently closed its Tavistock gender clinic that gave puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to children for many years.

The facility today faces the possibility of lawsuits from upwards of 1,000 families whose children were subjected to sex-reassignment despite an obvious lack of scientific evidence in favor of the procedures and inadequate mental health screenings for children with gender dysphoria.

A gender-identity clinic in Scotland faces similar legal troubles from former patients who say they were rushed into sex-change procedures.

Despite mounting evidence that sex-change hormones and procedures are not appropriate for children, the ACLU and others have asked the federal courts to strike down Arkansas’ SAFE Act.

Several business interests and the Biden-Harris Administration also have joined the fight against Arkansas’ SAFE Act.

Testimony in the trial over the SAFE Act has underscored several key points about gender dysphoria, including:

  • The science surrounding gender identity remain in flux.
  • The demographics of transgender youth is changing in ways that scientists do not yet understand.
  • Randomized clinical trials do not support the adolescent gender transition processes that many doctors in America use.

    Arkansas’ SAFE Act is a good law that protects children. We believe our courts will recognize that fact and uphold this good law as constitutional.

    Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

    In the British Isles, Priests Shock the Public With the Truth

    Recently, a visiting priest in Kerry, Ireland, spoke clearly about sexuality and gender during his homily. Of transgenderism and same-sex sexual activity, he stated, “That is sinful. That is a mortal sin.” He then described the power and possibility of forgiveness. In response, the Irish Mirror called his message “bizarre.” The Bishop of Kerry apologized, saying that Sean Sheehy’s views “do not represent the Christian position.”

    Except of course, they do. Unlike those of at least five bishops in the Church of England, who called this month for same-sex marriage ceremonies to be officiated in the Church.  

    In response, Calvin Robinson, another “shocking priest”—so shocking the Church of England wouldn’t ordain him—boldly reminded them that “Christ will not fit into your box” of re-interpreting Scripture. 

    Culture is most powerful in what it normalizes, and when lies are normalized, the truth becomes shocking. Thank God for Christian ministers willing to “shock” and speak truth. 

    Copyright 2024 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.