ACLU, Planned Parenthood Challenge Five Pro-Life Laws

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

On Tuesday the ACLU and Planned Parenthood filed legal challenges against five pro-life laws recently passed by the Arkansas Legislature.

Family Council President Jerry Cox released a statement, saying, “These lawsuits are almost unbelievable. The ACLU is challenging laws designed to do things like help protect underage girls and ensure doctors know a woman’s medical history before performing an abortion. Planned Parenthood is challenging laws that hold abortion clinics to reasonable health and safety standards. The fact the ACLU and Planned Parenthood would challenge laws like these shows they are severely out of touch with the rest of Arkansas.”

Cox noted that some of these laws passed the Arkansas Legislature with virtually no controversy. “Most of these are commonsense pieces of legislation that protect the health and safety of women. Act 733 requires the doctor to request the medical records of the pregnant woman before performing an abortion on her. I think most Arkansans would be shocked to think a doctor might perform an abortion without knowing the woman’s medical history, but the ACLU is challenging this provision in the law.

“Act 1018 made a small change to a law passed two years ago. It simply requires doctors to file a report with the State Crime Lab after performing an abortion on a girl under seventeen. It’s designed to catch perpetrators of human trafficking and incest. Act 603 requires aborted fetal remains to be buried or cremated like miscarried fetal remains. It’s tragic the ACLU and others would have so little regard for the health and safety of women as to challenge these good laws.”

Cox said Planned Parenthood is challenging a law regarding licensure and inspection of abortion clinics. “This law simply ensures abortion clinics are properly licensed, inspected, and regulated. Courts have ruled repeatedly that abortion clinics can be regulated under public health and safety laws. That’s what this legislation does.”

Cox noted the ACLU is also challenging Act 45 that prohibits some abortion procedures in which an unborn baby is physically dismembered, saying, “Over the years, abortion procedures have changed. Some of the procedures that were fairly common years ago would be illegal and unthinkable today. Act 45 of 2017 is simply another chapter in that story. It generally prohibits one particular abortion procedure in which the unborn baby is physically dismembered, but does not affect other much more common abortion procedures.”

Cox said he expects a pro-life victory from these lawsuits. “I believe these laws can withstand a legal challenge. However, anytime someone challenges a pro-life law, there’s always a pro-life victory in the ruling. When the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals struck part of Arkansas’ fetal heartbeat law a few years ago, some of the findings in the ruling actually made it easier for us to pass more pro-life legislation in 2015. I believe these lawsuits will simply pave the way for even better pro-life laws in the future—no matter how the courts rule.”


Fewer Women From Neighboring States Travelling to Arkansas for Abortion

One problem we have highlighted in the past is the number of abortions Arkansas “exports” to women in other states.

Each year hundreds of women travel to Arkansas for abortions. Many of these women come from neighboring states like Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas, and Missouri.

A recent report from the Arkansas Department of Health shows that may be changing: The number of women coming to Arkansas for abortions has dropped significantly in the past two years.

In 2014, 925 women from out-of-state had abortions in Arkansas; in 2016 that number fell to 534.

The report also shows the number of abortions being performed on Arkansans has fallen to record lows. There were over 2,000 fewer abortions performed on women from Arkansas last year than there were 15 years before.

While it’s often difficult to say for sure what is behind these changes, one reason for the decline could be new pro-life laws passed in recent years–such as the improved informed-consent law the Arkansas Legislature passed in 2015.

The bottom line is this: Fewer unborn children are being killed and fewer women are being harmed by abortion. That’s a very good thing.

Below is a breakdown of the abortion numbers from 2000-2016.

Year Arkansas Residents Out-of-State Residents
2000 4,548 953
2001 4,981 943
2002 4,511 805
2003 4,582 826
2004 3,835 808
2005 4,062 633
2006 4,292 696
2007 4,132 712
2008 4,054 735
2009 3,960 620
2010 3,937 595
2011 3,523 510
2012 3,361 421
2013 3,205 527
2014 3,148 925
2015 3,070 701
2016 2,673 534

Family Council Calls on Congress to Block Abortion Funding

Last week we joined more than 80 pro-life organizations in signing a letter urging Congress to keep funding for abortion providers out of the American Health Care Act, the new healthcare law up for consideration.

The letter reads in part,

The “American Health Care Act” protects life in two ways. First, it includes language similar to the Hyde amendment that ensures abortion is not paid for or incentivized through the federal healthcare programs created in the Obamacare replacement, including tax credits for health insurance. Second if enacted, it would, for the first time, cut off federal Medicaid funding for certain abortion providers. Both of these pro-life policies are essential to the bill, and must be retained all the way to final passage.

Most Americans believe abortion ought to be illegal in some or all circumstances. No one should be forced to subsidize abortion or abortion providers with their tax dollars.

You can read the entire letter here.