Abortion Industry Pays for Study Showing Abortifacients “Safe”

A study showing Planned Parenthood administers abortion-inducing drugs “safely” despite failing to follow FDA protocols has made headlines recently.

But what if I told you the study was actually paid for by Planned Parenthood and conducted by Planned Parenthood employees?

National Review Online writes,

“If the tobacco industry paid for two studies to refute the claim that tobacco hurts your health, and the major premise of both studies was that the manufacturers of tobacco products reviewed their records and did not find any association between tobacco and ill health, would we believe them?”

The study lists its funding sources as Planned Parenthood Federation of America (MG and DN) and Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

What’s more, two of the three lead researchers who published the study work for Planned Parenthood’s office in Los Angeles, California. The third author is a member of Princeton’s Office of Population Research.

This “study” comes as legislators in Arkansas and elsewhere look to regulate unsafe chemical abortion practices. Abortion advocates claim this study proves these regulations are unnecessary, but given the source of the research, I would take its findings with a grain of salt.

First Pro-Life Legislation of the Session Filed

Senator Missy Irvin and Representative Julie Mayberry have filed the first pro-life bills of the 2015 legislative session in Little Rock.

Senate Bill 53 and House Bill 1076 would require doctors performing a chemical abortion (using drugs such as RU-486) to be present during the procedure and make arrangements for a follow-up visit in the days after administering the drug.

Evidence from around the country suggests abortion-inducing drugs are increasingly being distributed without proper oversight from a doctor. This poses a serious threat to women’s health.

Abortion advocates often say abortion ought to be safe, legal, and rare. SB53 and HB1076 would help abortionists abide by that mantra and would curtail the proliferation of abortion-inducing drugs.