CA Senate Votes to Revoke Scouts’ Tax-Exempt Status

From Baptist Press:

Less than a week after the Boy Scouts changed its policy to allow gay-identifying youth, the California Senate passed a law that would revoke the organization’s tax-exempt status if it doesn’t also allow gay leaders.

By Norman Rockwell for The Red Cross Magazine [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

We have written about this legislation before. Essentially this bill punishes organizations like the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Little League, Special Olympics, American Youth Soccer Organization, Future Business Leaders of America, and many religious organizations that serve youth, because these organizations “discriminate on the basis of gender identity, race, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, or religious affiliations.”

The Boy Scouts of America have already given in to activists who want to hijack scouting’s noble mission for their personal agenda, but evidently some lawmakers in California feel the Boy Scouts have not gone far enough.

Click here to read more.

Congressmen Want to Regulate Crisis Pregnancy Centers

A bill filed in the U.S. House of Representatives responds to recent abortion scandals in an unexpected way: By regulating crisis pregnancy centers and other pro-life groups.

HR 2030 requires the Federal Trade Commission to promulgate rules regulating the speech of nonprofit, pro-life pregnancy resource centers.

The bill redefines “nonprofit” as a for-profit business by stating, “The Federal Trade Commission shall enforce this Act with respect to an organization that is not organized to carry on business for its own profit or that of its members as if such organization were a person over which the Commission has authority.” (emphasis added)

Alliance Defending Freedom has written a letter to Congress expressing concern over the bill’s ramifications for pro-life groups; similar legislation passed at the local level has attempted to force pregnancy resource centers to provide information dissuading women from utilizing their services, but has almost always been stricken in court as unconstitutional.

Read more here.