Study Finds Chemical Abortion Can Be Reversed Safely

This week Dr. George Delgado along with six other researchers published a study in the journal Issues in Law and Medicine verifying what many pro-lifers have been saying for years: Chemical abortions can be safely reversed and unborn babies’ lives can be saved.

Doctors performing chemical abortions give the pregnant woman drugs like RU-486 that kill the unborn child. The drugs are administered in two doses. However, some women have second thoughts about abortion after taking the initial abortion drug.

Dr. Delgado’s research demonstrates that after a woman receives the first chemical abortion drug, the abortion can be stopped if the woman soon takes an antidote to the abortion drug.

The study followed 754 women who tried to reverse their chemical abortions. It concluded chemical abortions could be reversed 64% – 68% of the time — with no apparent risk of birth defects.

In 2015 Arkansas passed an informed-consent law requiring abortion clinics to tell women that chemical abortion can be reversed, but that time is of the essence.

At the time, many abortion advocates dismissed the idea of chemical abortion reversal as junk science. This latest research, however, indicates it is a safe, effective way to save lives.

Planned Parenthood Wants a Disney Princess Who’s Had an Abortion

A Pennsylvania branch of Planned Parenthood posted a bizarre tweet this week calling on Disney to create an animated princess who has had an abortion.

The tweet read,

We need a disney princess who’s had an abortion / We need a disney princess who’s pro-choice / We need a disney princess who’s an undocumented immigrant / We need a disney princess who’s actually a union worker / We need a disney princess who’s trans[gender]

Planned Parenthood has since deleted the post, but many people have pointed out that the tweet was incredibly ironic: Who are Disney’s biggest fans? Children. And who kills hundreds of thousands of unborn children every year? Planned Parenthood.

It all reminds me of something John Stonestreet at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview jokingly wrote last December:

Who’s sabotaging Planned Parenthood’s Twitter account? . . . I’ve been saying for a while now that there’s got to be a pro-life mole running Planned Parenthood’s Twitter page. So many tweets and images they post seem to undermine or parody their pro-death position.

Satanic Temple Opposing Pro-Life Laws in Federal Court

According to The Kansas City Star, the Satanic Temple has filed a federal lawsuit opposing a pro-life law in Missouri.

The Satanic Temple reportedly filed the lawsuit on behalf of a Missouri woman, claiming the state’s informed consent law requiring doctors to wait 72 hours before performing an abortion is unconstitutional.

Although I doubt the Satanists will be able to get the courts to strike down Missouri’s informed consent law, the case could have ramifications for Arkansas.

Arkansas and Missouri have similar informed-consent laws for abortion, and both states are in the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals.

That means a pro-life victory for Missouri in the Eighth Circuit could help reinforce pro-life laws in Arkansas or shape our state’s pro-life legislation in the future.