Planned Parenthood Website Says Facility in Rogers Will Be Abortion Center

The “Rogers Health Center” where Planned Parenthood’s website says it will perform chemical abortions.

The website for Planned Parenthood Great Plains appears to confirm that Planned Parenthood will soon offer abortions at a facility at 1222 West Poplar Street in Rogers, Arkansas.

At this time, the website indicates that abortions at the facility will be drug-induced using the RU-486 chemical abortion regimen.

Recently Family Council learned that Planned Parenthood has worked to acquire a facility in Rogers that could be used to perform abortions. The facility was acquired by an entity called 12 Redacre LLC, but the company’s mailing address matched a mailing address for Planned Parenthood Great Plains in Overland Park, Kansas.

Since then, Planned Parenthood has confirmed to multiple news outlets that intends to reopen in Northwest Arkansas, but it has not confirmed when or where that location might be.

A screenshot of Planned Parenthood’s website advertising chemical abortions in Rogers, Arkansas.

According to its website, the Planned Parenthood facility in Rogers will offer drug-induced abortions up to nine weeks of pregnancy, abortion counseling, abortion referrals, the morning-after pill, LGBTQ services, and other procedures.

While we are still waiting for an official announcement from Planned Parenthood, all of this seems to confirm what pro-lifers in Arkansas have suspected for several days: Planned Parenthood is opening an abortion facility in Rogers.

Pro-lifers in Northwest Arkansas are already on the move, opposing Planned Parenthood’s pro-abortion agenda through prayer and ministry outside the facility.

As we have written before, Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider, and it has a long history of working in Arkansas.

The organization currently operates a chemical abortion facility in Little Rock.

The group’s political action committee has been active in recent legislative races.

Prior to 2015, Planned Parenthood received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the State of Arkansas via Medicaid.

And Planned Parenthood currently is working with the ACLU to block Arkansas from enforcing pro-life legislation that passed earlier this year.

Pro-Life Prayer Vigils Scheduled for Little Rock, Rogers

Beginning three weeks from now, pro-lifers will launch prayer vigils outside Planned Parenthood facilities in Little Rock and Rogers.

The vigils will kick off on September 22 as part of the global 40 Days for Life prayer campaigns.

Pro-lifers will take turns praying on different days and at different times from 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM daily outside abortion facilities from September 22 through October 31.

40 Days for Life is not a rally or protest. It’s a peaceful assembly for prayer and reflection — and it works.

Every year we hear stories babies saved, abortion clinics shut down, and abortion workers coming to Christ in the wake of a 40 Days for Life prayer campaign.

In the past, 40 Days for Life has said that the “no-show” rate for abortion appointments can go to as high as 75% when someone prays in front of an abortion facility.

Something as simple as praying outside an abortion facility can make a huge difference.

You can learn more about the 40 Days for Life vigils in Little Rock by going to

You can learn more about the 40 Days for Life vigils in Rogers by going to

Pro-Lifers Look to Move In Next Door to Future Planned Parenthood Facility in Rogers

Pro-lifers currently operate a mobile pregnancy resource unit next door to the facility that Planned Parenthood has acquired in Rogers.

American Family News reports that pro-lifers in Northwest Arkansas are working to move in next door to a facility that Planned Parenthood has acquired in Rogers.

Recently Family Council learned that Planned Parenthood has worked to acquire a facility in Rogers that could be used to perform abortions.

Since then, Planned Parenthood has confirmed that it intends to open a location in Northwest Arkansas, but at this time it is unknown when Planned Parenthood might start using the new facility.

In the meantime, pro-lifers in Northwest Arkansas are mobilizing to oppose Planned Parenthood and its pro-abortion agenda.

Dana Schwiethale, who heads Loving Choices Pregnancy Centers in Northwest Arkansas told American Family News,

I have contacted a home that is beside them [Planned Parenthood], and the lady is praying about … selling me the home. But as of right now, she’s allowing me to park the mobile unit, and it is right beside their parking lot.

Last week two of Family Council’s team members were able to visit the mobile unit that Loving Choices currently operates next door to the facility.

The mobile unit offers women free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds.

This is one way that pro-lifers in Northwest Arkansas are giving women real options besides abortion — just a few yards from Planned Parenthood’s front door.

Pro-lifers are also organizing a 40 Days for Life prayer campaign outside the facility beginning in September.

Hopefully pro-life Arkansans will have a more permanent presence next door to Planned Parenthood’s location in the coming months.