More than a week after the remains of some 2,246 unborn children were found medically preserved in the garage of Indiana abortionists Dr. Ulrich Klopfer, questions still remain.
Klopfer, who passed away earlier this month, lived in Illinois, but operated abortion facilities in neighboring Indiana — including in presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg’s home town of South Bend.
According to The Journal Gazette, in 2016 Klopfer’s medical license was revoked by the Indiana Medical Licensing Board “for failing to exercise reasonable care and violating several notice and documentation requirements. “
At the time, the newspaper described Klopfer as “likely Indiana’s most prolific abortion doctor in history with numbers going into the tens of thousands of procedures in multiple counties over several decades.”
While some have speculated that Klopfer may have been performing abortions illegally out of his home, authorities in Illinois said in a written statement, “There is no evidence that any medical procedures [abortions] were conducted at the property.”
However, questions remain about where the aborted babies originated and whether Klopfer was keeping them as “trophies,” as some have suggested.
In an opinion-editorial, USA Today‘s deputy editorial page editor David Mastio writes,
Klopfer isn’t the only abortionist to enjoy keeping trophies of his grisly work close at hand. America’s most infamous baby killer, Kermit Gosnell, also kept fetal body parts in “milk jugs and glass jars” at his clinic in Philadelphia before he was convicted in 2013 on three counts of murder for snipping the spinal cords of babies born alive. . . .
How does a doctor amass enough dead bodies in his garage to do a passable imitation of a World War II mass grave? Didn’t his employees notice he was taking home baby parts?
How does a story this sensational — that happens to have partly taken place in presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg’s hometown, where he’s the mayor — not get more than cursory attention from the national news media?
Grisly stories like this one are why Family Council has fought for tighter restrictions on abortion facilities and the treatment of aborted babies.
In the past six years, we’ve seen news about abortionists keeping the bodies of unborn children and undercover videos that show Planned Parenthood officials negotiating the sale of organs and tissue harvested from aborted babies.
In 2016 a congressional report, revealed that an Arkansas abortion clinic provided StemExpress — the company featured in the undercover videos — with tissue obtained from aborted babies.
That’s why we have consistently supported legislation to make it easier for the state to inspect — and shut down — abortion facilities, and we have pushed for laws requiring aborted babies to be respectfully buried or cremated rather than sold to labs.